Helpline: 01252735806

Quotation Request

Babywearing, Sling Libraries & Nappy Libraries

Client Details
General Questions
Professional Liability Insurance Cover
Property Cover
Hidden Calculations


Is this a Renewal?

To provide a quotation and then arrange insurance cover we need to collect some data from you. We pledge to hold this information responsibly – please click here to see our Privacy Notice.

Are you domiciled in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man?
Our insurance is only available to residents of the UK, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. If you are resident in any other part of the world then our insurance is not available to you.
Your name (as you would like it to appear on your policy documents):
Your date of birth:
Do you trade under a different name?
Please state your trading name as it should appear in your documents:
If you trade as a limited company, please state the full business name as per Companies House.
Please provide names of all partners/directors:
First NameSurname
Add row
Your address, or Business Address (if applicable):
Please enter your postcode and then select your address. If your address is not listed please use the 'Enter address manually' option.
Are all of your business premises (if applicable) located in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man?
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Your primary phone number:
Alternative phone number:
Your Email
Please fill the details in to register & set up a password.
If you have already registered and you forgot your password, please click on the 'Forgot your password?' hyperlink below.

Password Requirements:

At least 8 characters
At least 1 capital letter
At least 1 number
At least 1 special character:
~`! @#$£%^&*()_-+={[}]|:;"'<,>.?
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.


Have you been subject to any claims for negligence or breach of professional duty in the last 10 years?
Please provide details:
Please provide details of all claims:
NOT IN USE YET - SEE TICKET #29487. The table display is not lined up and is being amended by the developers.
Date of claimAmount of claimCurrent claim statusClaim details
Add row
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Have you been subject to any claims for anything other than negligence or breach of professional duty in the last 5 years?
Please provide details
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Have you ever had any insurance or proposal cancelled, withdrawn, declined or made subject to special terms?
Please Provide Details
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Have you ever been, or are aware that you will be, subject to any disciplinary action by your regulator or trade or examining body?
Please provide details:
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Are you aware of any shortcomings in your work that could lead to a claim against you? This includes a shortcoming which you cannot reasonably put right, a complaint about your work or anything you have supplied which cannot be immediately resolved.
Please provide details:
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Are you aware of any loss from the suspected dishonesty or malice of any employee or self-employed freelancer?
Please provide details:
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Have you or any of your partners, directors or others named in this application either personally, or in any business capacity, been declared bankrupt or insolvent or made arrangements with creditors?
Please provide details:
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Have you been convicted of, or charged with, any offence other than a motoring offence or conviction spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974?
Please provide details:
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.


When would you like the cover to start?
To be eligible for our insurance you must either hold professional qualifications to teach/practice each activity you seek cover for OR you are a student currently enrolled on a suitable training course which will result in a professional qualification. For certain activities it may be possible that we are able to offer cover based on your experience alone, rather than a formal qualification. If this applies to you, please select ‘Unqualified’ below and provide full details in the box.
Please select the activities you require cover for:
Please note that cover for Baby Wearing Consultants/Advisors and Peer Supporters does not extend to cover claims arising from the lending or hiring of Slings and Baby Carriers unless additional Sling/Nappy Library cover is also arranged.
If you require cover for a baby wearing consultant/advisor as well as cover for a sling library, please ensure you add this cover using the green button below.
Add row
Please give details of the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity:
You have selected 'Unqualified', please provide further details:
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Do you wish to include cover for additional sling or nappy library peer supporters, helpers or enablers?
Cover for up to 5 peer supporters, enablers or helpers is automatically included.
Is all equipment checked for defects before use and any item with a defect repaired by a suitably qualified individual, or replaced before subsequent use?
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Do you wish to add another activity?
Please select:
Please provide full description:
Please give details of the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity:

Details of the first Babywearing Consultant/Advisor/Peer Supporter:

Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity:
Please provide details:
Is Personal Accident Cover required?
Phone number:
Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover?

Details of the second Babywearing Consultant/Advisor/Peer Supporter:

Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity:
Please provide details:
Is Personal Accident Cover required?
Phone number:
Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover?

Details of the third Babywearing Consultant/Advisor/Peer Supporter:

Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity:
Please provide details:
Is Personal Accident Cover required?
Phone number:
Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover?

Details of the fourth Babywearing Consultant/Advisor/Peer Supporter:

Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity:
Please provide details:
Is Personal Accident Cover required?
Phone number:
Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover?

Details of the fifth Babywearing Consultant/Advisor/Peer Supporter:

Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity:
Please provide details:
Is Personal Accident Cover required?
Phone number:
Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover?

Details of the sixth Babywearing Consultant/Advisor/Peer Supporter:

Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity:
Please provide details:
Is Personal Accident Cover required?
Phone number:
Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover?

Details of the seventh Babywearing Consultant/Advisor/Peer Supporter:

Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity:
Please provide details:
Is Personal Accident Cover required?
Phone number:
Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover?

Details of the eighth Babywearing Consultant/Advisor/Peer Supporter:

Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity:
Please provide details:
Is Personal Accident Cover required?
Phone number:
Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover?

Details of the ninth Babywearing Consultant/Advisor/Peer Supporter:

Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity:
Please provide details:
Is Personal Accident Cover required?
Phone number:
Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover?

Details of the tenth Babywearing Consultant/Advisor/Peer Supporter:

Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity:
Please provide details:
Is Personal Accident Cover required?
Phone number:
Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover?
Personal Accident

Cover is available to people aged between 16 & 75 years at the start of the policy period.

​ Cover operates within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man only.

​ This section only covers claims which fall within the definition of bodily injury and does not cover any claim caused or contributed to by illness/sickness.

Capital Benefit of £25,000 if an insured person suffers bodily injury during the period of insurance which results in either:

• Death
• Permanent disablement (Loss of sight, loss of hearing, loss of limb or loss of speech; or any disablement which entirely prevents the insured person from attending to any business or occupation for which the insured person is reasonably suited by training, education or experience and which lasts continuously for 12 calendar months and which at the end of that period is without prospect of improvement)

Temporary disablement (Disablement lasting without interruption for longer than the minimum absence period and which prevents the insured person from carrying out their usual occupation.)
We will pay 65% of the insured person’s average weekly wage up to a maximum of £500 per week for as long as an insured person continues to be disabled, up to 104 weeks from the date of an accident less the deferment period of the first 7 days.

Extra benefits
Medical expenses up to £10,000
Physiotherapy Treatment expenses up to £5,000
Counselling expenses up to £5,000
Do you hold all client records for a minimum of 5 years?
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Are any of your activities performed above a height of 3 metres?
Please provide details:
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Do you, and anyone who carries out work on your behalf, always handle, use, sterilise and store all instruments in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions?
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Do you implement all Covid-19 risk management procedures as set out in up-to-date Covid-19 guidance issued by Public Health England, the NHS or any other relevant regulatory body?
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Is all relevant PPE used in line with COVID-19 guidance issued by either Public Health England or any other regulatory body or health authority?
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Are you carrying out all pre-treatment/activity protocols relating to COVID-19, including obtaining informed consent from any client that they are happy for the activity to be undertaken?
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Do you allow minors to be present at an activity where the minor is not involved?



Our policy automatically covers you for classes/sessions/treatments carried out from your home (for the malpractice and public liability cover in respect of your business activities) however you may need to consider whether you wish to extend your cover to include Public Liability in respect of the premises risk for your home. This extension protects your legal liability arising from your ownership/occupancy of the premises should someone suffer an injury whilst visiting your home for business purposes e.g., a client trips on a loose/uneven flagstone or slips on a floor you have left wet, and looks to hold you responsible.

  This cover is also available if you run a studio/therapy or treatment rooms from leased or rented premises where you are responsible for such incidents arising at the property.
Classes/sessions/treatments held at your own home
Do you wish to extend your cover to include Public Liability Premises Risk for classes/sessions/treatments held at your own home?
Studios/therapy/treatment rooms
Do you wish to extend your cover to include Public Liability Premises Risk for classes/sessions/treatments at a studio/therapy or treatment rooms?
(NB- this only applies to people leasing or renting their own commercial premises – not hired venues)
Please enter the address this cover is to apply to:


Our policy automatically includes cover for RESTRICTED online work free of charge. This requires you to restrict access to your online content to clients who have registered their personal contact details with you.

Alternatively, for an additional premium, you can select our OPEN Online Work cover to include online content that is available to clients who have not registered their details and is open to anyone.


Employers Liability
This type of insurance is a statutory requirement for anybody employing staff irrespective of whether wages/salaries are paid. All employers have an absolute duty of care to their workers, which explains why this class of insurance is mandatory in the UK.
Please enter the value of your wage roll:
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Are you ERN exempt?


This optional cover is available in addition to the defence cost cover that automatically applies under the main liability policy.
Do you wish to add Legal Expenses Cover?
What is covered:
• Property, landlord & tenant disputes
• Criminal defence
• Tax Protection
• Regulatory Compliance
• Court Attendance Costs
• Marketing Image defence
• Legal & Tax advice helpline
• Counselling helpline

Territorial limits
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.

Underwritten by Temple Legal Protection.

A detailed summary of the cover provided by this policy can be found here.
Do you wish to extend your Legal Expenses cover to include Commercial Contract Disputes?


Do you require cover for Buildings / Contents / Business Equipment?
A detailed summary of the cover provided by this policy can be found here:
Buildings Policy Summary
Contents Policy Summary
Business Interruption Policy Summary

Property Details

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I confirm that the answers given are true and that I have not withheld any material fact.

I can also confirm that I have read and understood the Terms of Business Agreement.
Please provide details why you disagree:
Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Hidden Calculations

Hiscox Policy Number
If this is a New Business case, leave this field blank - the Hiscox policy number will be populated automatically when the case is placed On Cover.

If the client already has an existing Hiscox policy number, by way of a policy not previously set up in SchemeServe, please enter it here:
Hiscox General Term & Conditions
Hiscox Policy Wording Main
Hiscox Policy Wording PA
Hiscox Policy Wording EL
Property Definitions Wording
Hiscox Policy Wording Buildings
Hiscox Policy Wording Contents
Hiscox Policy Wording Items Away & in Transit
Hiscox Policy Wording Money
Hiscox Policy Wording BI
Temple Legal UMR
*populated via rating file for JE, GY, IM postcodes
Cover Type Description / Business Activities
*not in use on this Scheme
Baby Wearing Consultant/Advisor YN?
*populated via rating file depending on the selection made on the Activity table
Peer Supporter YN?
*populated via rating file depending on the selection made on the Activity table
Sling Library YN?
*populated via rating file depending on the selection made on the Activity table
Nappy Library YN
*populated via rating file depending on the selection made on the Activity table

Additional Activities

Additional Activity Rating Bucket:
*populated via rating file & lookup named 'Hiscox Activities List'
Additional Activity Map To Scheme:
*populated via rating file & lookup named 'Hiscox Activities List'
Additional Activity Free Endorsement:
*manual endorsement to link multiple policies for the same client

Base Cover + PL Extensions

Limit of Indemnity
*populated via rating file based on MainCoverLimit question
BW Consultants/Advisors/Peer Supporters Premium
*populated via rating file based on the selection made on the question 'How many Babywearing Consultants/Advisors/Peer Supporters do you require to be insured/named under this policy, including yourself if applicable?' - check the Matrix
Studio Customer Employee Discount
*calculated on the BW Consultants/Advisors/Peer Supporters Premium via rating file - check the Matrix
*populated via rating file bases on TO question
Sling Library Premium
*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix
Nappy Library Premium
*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix
Additional Sling/Nappy Library Enablers
*populated via rating file based on the selection made on the question 'How many additional sling or nappy library peer supporters, helpers or enablers?' - check the Matrix
Increase in LOI to £10M
*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix
PL Premises (At Home) Cover Premium
*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix
PL Studios Cover Premium
*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix
Openly accessible online tuition
*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix

Training Schools

*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'
*populated via rating file / lookup named 'BabyWearing Sling Nappy Training Schools'

Personal Accident

Personal Accident Cover Required?
*populated via rating file
Number of BW Consultant/Advisor/Supporter covered for the PA Cover
*calculated via rating file
Personal Accident Premium
*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix
Personal Accident Revised Limit Increase
*auto populated via rating file as soon as the above PA Increased Limits is set to the correct increased limit, 'Save Changes' button hit and rating is re-run from the Matrix tab.

Employers Liability

Employers Liability Premium
*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix

Legal Expenses

Legal Expenses Premium
*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix
Fitness to Practice/Disciplinary Defence?
*for Wellbeing manual usage.
If you require the Fitness to Practice/Disciplinary Defence change this to 'Yes' and hit 'Save Changes', navigate to the Matrix tab and hit 'Update Rates' or the 'Re-run rules' w/ 'Re-run rating' option ticked and hit 'Save Changes'.
Fitness to Practice/Disciplinary Defence Premium
*auto calculated via rating file once the above question is updated, the 'Save Changes' button hit and the rating re-run.
Additional Employment Defence (per employee)?
*for Wellbeing manual usage.
If you require the Additional Employment Defence change this to 'Yes' and hit 'Save Changes', navigate to the Matrix tab and hit 'Update Rates' or the 'Re-run rules' w/ 'Re-run rating' option ticked and hit 'Save Changes'.
Additional Employment Defence Premium
*auto calculated via rating file (based on the number of the employees selected on the Client Details tab) once the above question is updated, the 'Save Changes' button hit and the rating re-run.
FP TotalPremiumNetCalculated
*populated via rating file and used in rules at Renewals
FP TotalPremiumCalculated inc. IPT & Policy Fee
*populated via rating file and used in rules at Renewals

Property Cover

Is Buildings Cover requested at any location?
*populated via rating file
Is Business Interruption Cover requested at any location?
*populated via rating file
Total Contents/Stock/Computers etc SI *all locations
*populated via rating file
Total Buildings SI *all locations
*populated via rating file
Total BI SI *all locations
*populated via rating file
Total Property BI SI *all locations
*populated via rating file
Policy Fee Base Cover *for calculation purposes
Policy Fee Additional Covers *for calculation purposes
Policy Fee PA Cover *for calculation purposes
Policy Fee Legal Cover *for calculation purposes
Payment Method
*to be manually populated if the policy is paid via BACS or cheque


Total Number of Premises with Buildings Cover requested
*populated via rating file and used in reports for the minimum premiums split
Total Number of Premises with Contents Cover requested
*populated via rating file and used in reports for the minimum premiums split
Total Number of Premises with BI Cover requested
*populated via rating file and used in reports for the minimum premiums split
Main - Discretionary Load Added?
Rate For Discretionary Load - Main
PA - Discretionary Load Added?
Rate For Discretionary Load - PA
EL - Discretionary Load Added?
Rate For Discretionary Load - EL
Contents - Discretionary Load Added?
Rate For Discretionary Load - Contents
Buildings - Discretionary Load Added?
Rate For Discretionary Load - Buildings
BI - Discretionary Load Added?
Rate For Discretionary Load - BI
Legal - Discretionary Load Added?
Rate For Discretionary Load - Legal