Quotation Request Instructors & Therapists Client Details General Questions Professional Liability Insurance Cover Property Cover Declaration Cover Details Hidden Calculations CLIENT DETAILSIs this a Renewal? YesNo If it's a Renewal, please select the previous Insurer: - select - Hiscox Other Insurer To provide a quotation and then arrange insurance cover we need to collect some data from you. We pledge to hold this information responsibly – please click here to see our Privacy Notice. Are you domiciled in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man? YesNo Our insurance is only available to residents of the UK, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. If you are resident in any other part of the world then our insurance is not available to you. Are you applying for insurance as an Individual/Sole Trader, Company, Partnership or CIC? Individual/Sole Trader Company, Partnership or CIC Your name (as you would like it to appear on your policy documents): -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Your date of birth: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Do you trade under a different name? YesNo Please state your trading name as it should appear in your documents:If you trade as a limited company, please state the full business name as per Companies House. Please provide names of all partners/directors: First NameSurname Your address, or Business Address (if applicable): Please enter your postcode and then select your address. If your address is not listed please use the 'Enter address manually' option. UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Are all of your business premises (if applicable) located in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man? YesNo Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Your primary phone number: Alternative phone number: Your EmailPlease fill the details in to register & set up a password. If you have already registered and you forgot your password, please click on the 'Forgot your password?' hyperlink below. Email you will log in with this Forgot your password? Email enter again Password Password enter again Password RequirementsAt least 8 characters At least 1 capital letter At least 1 number At least 1 special character: ~`! @#$£%^&*()_-+={[}]|:;"'<,>.? Please select the number of employees: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 more than 10 Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. GENERAL QUESTIONS Have you been subject to any claims for negligence or breach of professional duty in the last 10 years? YesNo Please provide details: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Have you been subject to any claims for anything other than negligence or breach of professional duty in the last 5 years? YesNo Please provide details Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Have you ever had any insurance or proposal cancelled, withdrawn, declined or made subject to special terms? YesNo Please provide details: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Have you ever been, or are aware that you will be, subject to any disciplinary action by your regulator or trade or examining body? YesNo Please provide details: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Are you aware of any shortcomings in your work that could lead to a claim against you? This includes a shortcoming which you cannot reasonably put right, a complaint about your work or anything you have supplied which cannot be immediately resolved. YesNo Please provide details: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Are you aware of any loss from the suspected dishonesty or malice of any employee or self-employed freelancer? YesNo Please provide details: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Have you or any of your partners, directors or others named in this application either personally, or in any business capacity, been declared bankrupt or insolvent or made arrangements with creditors? YesNo Please provide details: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Have you been convicted of, or charged with, any offence other than a motoring offence or conviction spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974? YesNo Please provide details: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. INSTRUCTORS & THERAPISTSWhen would you like the cover to start? 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2025 Please select your Limit of Indemnity: - select - £7,000,000 £10,000,000 To be eligible for our insurance you must either hold professional qualifications to teach/practice each activity you seek cover for OR you are a student currently enrolled on a suitable training course which will result in a professional qualification. For certain activities it may be possible that we are able to offer cover based on your experience alone, rather than a formal qualification. If this applies to you, please select ‘Unqualified’ below and provide full details in the box. Please select the activities you require cover for:To add cover for an additional activity, please click on the green button.If your activity is not included within the list, or does not conform to an activity directly, please enter full details under ‘Other’. ActivityAre You:*HIDDEN* Rating Bucket*HIDDEN* Highest Rate - select - Access Bars TherapyAcupressure/Acupoint TherapyAcupunctureAlexander TechniqueAllergy TherapyAnatomy in MotionAnimal Therapies - includes all therapies for animals which you are qualified to practiceAqua DetoxAqua Fitness/ExerciseAromasport TreatmentAromatherapy - (includes massage and the blending & preparation of oils)Art classesArt Therapy/Clay TherapyAssertiveness TrainingAston KineticsAwareness Through MovementAyurveda Workshops - Education Purposes OnlyAyurvedic Nutrition & Lifestyle ConsultantAyurvedic Treatments/TherapyBaby MassageBaby SensoryBaby SigningBaby/Toddler Calming & Parental AdviceBabywearing & Pregnancy - Bump WrappingBabywearing - Baby WalksBeauty - Ear Piercing of the ear lobeBeauty - Non-surgical facelift by microcurrentBeauty - Photo rejuvenation/light therapy Beauty - Product range demonstrations and salesBeauty Therapist - includes non-acupuncture facials, eye lash and eyebrow perming, shaping & tinting, eye lash extensions, facial massage, make-up application, pedicures, foot spas (excluding fish pedicures), manicures, nail treatments, spray tanning, waxing, sugaring & threading, masks and wrapping treatments.BilinguaSing TeacherBiofeedback/BioresonanceBiomechanics CoachingBirth Pool LoansBirth Preparation ClassesBlood Lipid & Glucose AssessmentBody Alignment TechniqueBody Painting &/or Temporary Tattoo TransfersBody Talk SystemBody VoiceBowen TechniqueBrainspotting TherapyBreast Feed Peer SupporterBreast Feeding Counsellor/Lactation ConsultantBreast Pump HireBreathing - Exercises, Techniques & Awareness (excluding cold therapy or cold-water immersion)BudokonCalm For Kids TeacherCalmFamily Parenting ConsultantChildhood Development & Learning Support or ConsultationChildren's Relaxation & WellbeingChildren's Storytelling, Art, Drama, Educational, Movement, Language, Music or General Wellbeing ClassesChun Yuen QuanCognitive Behavioural TherapyColonic Irrigation/HydrotherapyColour or Light Healing/TherapyConductive EducationCore Postural Alignment/Spinal or Light Touch TherapyCounsellingCraniosacral TherapyCreative Movement, Dance & DramaCrystal Healing/TherapyCuddle Therapy Daisy Foundation TeacherDance Instructor (Aerial) - this includes all the regular dance types/styles including aerial dance but excludes dancing with children in slings/carriers, pregnancy dance, dance-based fitness workouts and any activity performed at a height above 3 metresDance Instructor (Standard) - this includes all the regular dance types/styles but excludes aerial dance, dancing with children in slings/carriers, pregnancy dance and dance-based fitness workouts.DanceBugsDorn MethodDoula - includes general pre and post birth assistance and advice but excludes childminding where the parent is absent or any activities which would usually be performed by a health visitor/midwife (health checks/measurements etc.).Drawing and Talking TherapyDream Therapy Dry NeedlingDry Salt Air TherapyEar Candling/Navel CandlingEar Piercing of the ear lobe Education - Educational ConsultantEducation - Family LearningEducational TherapyEgoscue MethodElectromagnetic Field TherapyEmmett TechniqueEmotional & Social WellbeingEmotional Freedom TechniquesEmotional HealingEnergy Healing/Therapy/BalancingExercise with children in buggies/pushchairsEye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (EMDR)/Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT)Face Reading Family Constellation TherapyFaradic TreatmentsFeldenkrais MethodFeng Shui/Space ClearingFitness Instructor (Aerial) - includes fitness, aerobic and body conditioning, personal training, barre, exercise to music, gym instruction, pre & post-natal fitness, walking & running instruction, fitness therapy, aerial fitness and the use of exercise equipment but excluding acrobatics, martial arts or exercise with children in slings/carriers and any activity performed at a height above 3 metres.Fitness Instructor (Standard) - includes fitness, aerobic and body conditioning, personal training, barre, exercise to music, gym instruction, pre & post-natal fitness, walking & running instruction, fitness therapy and the use of exercise equipment but excluding aerial fitness, acrobatics, martial arts or exercise with children in slings/carriers.Flotation Tanks - Supervision & use ofFlower, Gem & Crystal EssencesFocusing PractitionerFood Intolerance Testing & CounsellingForest Bathing/Shinrin YokuFull Movement MethodGalvanic TreatmentsGokhale MethodGoZen TherapyGraphologyGuided HealingGuided ImageryHairdressing & Barbering - includes styling, drying, crimping, plaiting, cutting, colouring, perming and permanent waving.Hartbeeps TeacherHaveningHealth & Wellbeing Coaching/CounsellingHenna ArtHerbalism/Herbal Medicine/Herbal TreatmentHigh Frequency TreatmentsHolistic Facelifting (excluding injectables) HomeopathyHydrotherapy Techniques (Advice only)HypnobirthingHypnotherapyInfra-Red CabinsInfra-Red Therapy TreatmentsIridologyIyengar Yoga Teacher - Insured to teach the syllabus appropriate to certificate and types of classes according to certification level.Journey TherapyKinesiologyKinetic Chain ReleaseKore Therapy/ConsultancyLaser - Low Level Laser TherapyLaughter TherapyLian Gong Shi Ba FaLife CoachingLifestyle/Wellbeing Coaching & AdviceLok HupLu Jong (Tibetan Healing Yoga)Magnetic & Bio-Magnetic Therapy incl. Magnetech & Bio LampManual Therapy/Manipulative Therapy Martial Arts - AikidoMartial Arts - CapoeiraMartial Arts - Choi Kwang DoMartial Arts - CombatzoneMartial Arts - JudoMartial Arts - Kick BoxingMartial Arts - Kung Fu - Non CombatMartial Arts - Kung Fu - Wing ChunMartial Arts - Kung FuMartial Arts - Self-Defence ClassesMartial Arts - TaekwandoMartial Arts - Te-At-SuMartial Arts InstructorMartial Arts-Baguazhang, Xingyiquan,Kung Fu/KuntaoMartsiageMassage (incl. Sports massage & Deep tissue massage) - includes all the types/forms of massage you are qualified to practise including sports massage and/or deep tissue massage but excluding wet cupping.Massage (Standard) - includes all the types/forms of massage you are qualified to practise excluding sports massage, deep tissue massage & wet cupping.MBCT/MBSRMeditationMeir Schneider Method (The)MELT MethodMenstruality EducatorMind Marvels Franchisee/MentorMindfulness Meditation/Teaching/Movement/Breathwork/ActivitiesMini Me YogaMinistry - Religious Ministry/Inter Faith/CelebrancyMovement & Dance TherapyMovement Based LearningMovement IntelligenceMoxibustionMulligan ConceptMuscle Response Testing/Muscle Activation TechniquesMusic TherapyMyotherapyNaked Voice FacilitatorNaturopathy/Naturopathic Nutrition/Naturopathy BodyworkNetball CoachingNeuro Linguistic ProgrammingNeuro Structural IntegrationNumerologyNursing Bra Fittings and SalesNutrition - Food Preparation & Cooking DemosNutritional Blood MicroscopyNutritional Therapy/Diet/Life Style/Nutritional Advice or CounsellingOccupational TherapyOtherParaffin Wax TreatmentsParenting AdvicePelvic Correction Perceptual Enrichment ProgrammePhlebotomyPilates - Pilates for ChildrenPilates Instructor (Aerial) - includes all the usual Pilates disciplines such as Mat Work, Hand-Held Equipment, Pilates Walking, Pre & Post Natal Pilates, Pilates Mother & Baby Classes, Remedial Pilates, GP Referrals, Hot Pilates, Aerial Pilates and the use of Apparatus.Pilates Instructor (Apparatus) - includes all the usual Pilates disciplines such as Mat Work, Hand-Held Equipment, Pilates Walking, Pre & Post Natal Pilates, Pilates Mother & Baby Classes, Remedial Pilates, GP Referrals, Hot Pilates, the use of Apparatus but excluding Aerial Pilates.Pilates Instructor (Mat Work) - includes all the usual Pilates disciplines such as Hand-Held Equipment, Pilates Walking, Pre & Post Natal Pilates, Pilates Mother & Baby Classes, Remedial Pilates, GP Referrals and Hot Pilates but excludes Aerial Pilates and the use of Apparatus.Play TherapyPoi Spinning (Non Fire)Postural & Myofascial IntegrationPostural Stability InstructionPregnancy/Parenting Support GroupPsychotherapy/PsychologyPulse Diagnosis & Tibetan YogaPuppet TherapyQi Gong (Soft Form)Qi Gong - MedicalQuantum AlignmentRaindrop TherapyRed Tent Temple Movement FacilitatorReflexologyReichian TherapyReiki/Angelic ReikiRelax Kids Coach - includes Baby Mindful Instructor, Relax Kids Parties, Just Relax, Charge Up! sessions and other Relax Kids courses where qualifiedRelaxation/Relaxation TherapyRemedial ExerciseRosen Method (The)SandaSchmeising & Hot Towel TreatmentsSeated Exercise/Chair-based ActivitiesShamanic Healing/Bodywork/Drumming/circle facilitator/Cacao ceremonies (excludes the hosting of retreats for the purposes of, use of or recommendation of Ayahuasca).Shock Wave TherapySinging/Music TeachingSleep TherapySoft Tissue TherapySomatic Therapy/Experiencing/MovementSonasSophrologySoul Plan ReadingSound Healing/TherapySpeech and language therapySpiritual Healing/CounsellingSports TapingSports TherapyStress Management TherapyStretch TherapySwimming Instructor (pool-based only)Tai Chi (Health) - includes Standard Tai Chi classes incorporating cover for Taiji Form, Weapons, Pushing Hands and slow structured applications, plus Tai Chi for Children, Remedial Tai Chi and Standard Qi Gong Exercises (Soft Form), but excluding Martial Tai Chi.Tai Chi (Martial) - includes Standard Tai Chi classes incorporating cover for Taiji Form, Weapons, Pushing Hands and slow structured applications, plus Tai Chi for Children, Remedial Tai Chi and Standard Qi Gong Exercises (Soft Form), plus more vigorous routines such as self-defence /combat and competition work, and for instructors of Xingyiquan and Baguazhang.Tai Chi AquaTai-Ki-DoTaiko DrummingTantsuTatty Bumpkin TeacherTeaching - Lecturer including Public SpeakingTennis CoachTENS/EMS TreatmentsTime Line TherapyToning TablesTrager TechniqueTraining - Lifelong Learning TrainingTraumatic Birth TherapyTRE - Trauma Tension Release ExercisesTree Babies Instructor/Guide &/or Barefoot Beach Babies GuideUltra Sound Treatments/Electrotherapy TreatmentsVertebral MobilisationVibrational Release Therapy/MedicineWalker TechniqueWatsu AquaticWeight Loss FacilitatorWell Woman TherapyWellbeing - Personal/Self Development TrainerWomb Blessing & HealingXiang GongYamuna Body Logic/Body RollingYoga - Boxing YogaYoga - Hypno YogaYoga - Laughter YogaYoga - Power/Vibrational Plate YogaYoga - Restorative YogaYoga - Trampoline YogaYoga Instructor (Anti-gravity/aerial) - includes all the usual yoga disciplines i.e. Postures, Breath work, Relaxation techniques, Meditation & Mindfulness Techniques and Cleansing Practices, also Yoga Therapy/Remedial Yoga, GP Referrals, Ante &/or Post Natal Yoga, Baby Yoga &/or Infant Massage, Children's Yoga, Face Yoga, Laughter, Aqua Yoga, Anti-Gravity/Aerial/Swing/Balance Board/Trapeze Yoga/Acro yoga but excluding Stand up Paddle Yoga and Yoga with Animals.Yoga Instructor (Standard) - includes all the usual yoga disciplines i.e. Postures, Breath work, Relaxation techniques, Meditation & Mindfulness Techniques and Cleansing Practices, also Yoga Therapy/Remedial Yoga, GP Referrals, Ante &/or Post Natal Yoga, Baby Yoga &/or Infant Massage, Children's Yoga, Face Yoga, Laughter and Aqua Yoga; all insofar as you are trained to teach it, but excluding Anti-Gravity/Aerial/Swing/Balance Board/Trapeze Yoga, Stand up Paddle Yoga and Yoga with Animals.YogalatesYuan Shi Dian (Origin Point Therapy)Zero Balancing - select - QualifiedStudentUnqualified Please give details of the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity: You have selected 'Other', please provide full details of your Activity: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. You have selected 'Unqualified', please provide further details: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Are you currently a member of Iyengar Yoga (UK)? YesNo Please confirm your Iyenger Yoga (UK) membership number: If you are ever present at the birth, do you always work alongside a Midwife/Medical Team? YesNoNever present at the birth Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Do you carry out any medical/pregnancy ultrasounds? YesNo Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Do you carry out skin patch tests where the manufacturer of the product explicitly states the need for one 24 hours prior to any treatment and renew these tests after 6 months? YesNoNot relevant to, or required for, any of the business activities undertaken Please provide details: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Do you wish to add another activity? *THIS QUESTION IS CURRENTLY HIDDEN - Please do not use it. YesNo Please select:*THIS QUESTION IS CURRENTLY HIDDEN - Please do not use it. - select - Access Bars TherapyAcupressure/Acupoint TherapyAcupunctureAlexander TechniqueAnatomy in MotionAnimal Therapies - includes all therapies for animals which you are qualified to practiceAqua Fitness/ExerciseAromasport TreatmentAromatherapy - (includes massage and the blending & preparation of oils)Art Therapy/Clay TherapyAssertiveness TrainingAston KineticsAwareness Through MovementAyurveda Workshops - Education Purposes OnlyAyurvedic Treatments/TherapyBaby SensoryBaby SigningBaby Wearing - Baby WalksBaby Wearing AdvisorBaby Wearing ConsultantBaby Wearing Peer SupporterBaby/Toddler Calming & Parental AdviceBeauty - Non-surgical facelift by microcurrentBeauty - Product range demonstrations and SalesBeauty Therapist – includes non-acupuncture facials, eye lash and eyebrow perming, shaping & tinting, eye lash extensions, facial massage, make-up application, pedicures, foot spas (excluding fish pedicures), manicures, nail treatments, spray tanning, waxing, sugaring & threading, masks and wrapping treatments. Biofeedback/BioresonanceBiomechanics CoachingBlood Lipid & Glucose AssessmentBody Alignment TechniqueBody Painting &/or Temporary Tattoo TransfersBody Talk SystemBody VoiceBowen TechniqueBrainspotting TherapyBreathing - Exercises, Techniques & AwarenessBudokonCalm For Kids TeacherCalmFamily Parenting ConsultantChildhood Development & Learning Support or ConsultationChildren's Activities - BilinguaSing TeacherChildren's Activities - DanceBugsChildren's Activities - GoZen TherapyChildren's Activities - Hartbeeps TeacherChildren's Activities - Mini Me YogaChildren's Activities - Relax Kids CoachChildren's Activities - Tatty Bumpkin TeacherChildren's Storytelling, Art, Drama, Educational, Movement, Language, Music or General Wellbeing ClassesChun Yuen QuanCognitive Behavioural TherapyColonic Irrigation/HydrotherapyConductive EducationConflict Management & Physical Intervention TrainCore Postural Alignment/Spinal or Light Touch TherapyCounsellingCraniosacral TherapyCreative Movement, Dance & DramaCuddle Therapy Daisy Foundation TeacherDance Instructor (Aerial) - this includes all the regular dance types/styles including aerial dance but excludes dancing with children in slings/carriers, pregnancy dance, dance-based fitness workouts and any activity performed at a height above 3 metres.Dance Instructor (standard) - this includes all the regular dance types/styles but excludes aerial dance, dancing with children in slings/carriers, pregnancy dance and dance-based fitness workoutsDorn MethodDoula - Birth DoulaDream Therapy Dry NeedlingDry Salt Air TherapyEar Candling/Navel CandlingEar Piercing of the ear lobe Education - Educational ConsultantEducation - Family LearningEducational TherapyEgoscue MethodElectromagnetic Field TherapyEMDREmmett TechniqueEmotional & Social WellbeingEmotional Freedom TechniquesExercise with children in buggies/pushchairsFamily Constellation TherapyFaradic TreatmentsFeldenkrais MethodFirst Aid for PetsFirst Aid PractitionerFirst Aid Practitioner and Trainer - includes First Aid at work, Good Samaritans Acts, First Aid at Events plus Training and Instruction. The use of Defibrillation Equipment, Portable Oxygen/Gases and Drugs is permitted when properly and suitably qualified.First Response / ParamedicFitness Instructor (Aerial) - includes fitness, aerobic and body conditioning, personal training, barre, exercise to music, gym instruction, pre & post-natal fitness, walking & running instruction, fitness therapy, aerial fitness and the use of exercise equipment but excluding acrobatics, martial arts or exercise with children in slings/carriers and any activity performed at a height above 3 metres.Fitness Instructor (Standard) - includes fitness, aerobic and body conditioning, personal training, barre, exercise to music, gym instruction, pre & post-natal fitness, walking & running instruction, fitness therapy and the use of exercise equipment but excluding aerial fitness, acrobatics, martial arts or exercise with children in slings/carriers.Flotation Tanks - Supervision & use ofFlower EssencesFocusing PractitionerForest Bathing/Shinrin YokuFull Movement MethodGalvanic TreatmentsGokhale MethodGuided ImageryHairdressing & Barbering – includes styling, drying, crimping, plaiting, cutting, colouring, perming and permanent waving.HaveningHealing - Colour or Light Healing/TherapyHealing - Crystal Healing/TherapyHealing - Emotional HealingHealing - Energy Healing/Therapy/BalancingHealing - GuidedHealing - Somatic Therapy/Experiencing/MovementHealing - Sound Healing/TherapyHealing - Spiritual Healing/CounsellingHealth & Safety Consulting / Training & AdviceHealth & Wellbeing Coaching/CounsellingHenna ArtHerbalism/Herbal Medicine/Herbal TreatmentHigh Frequency TreatmentsHolistic Facelifting (excluding injectables) HomeopathyHydrotherapy Techniques (Advice only)HypnotherapyInfra-Red CabinsInfra-Red Therapy TreatmentsIridologyIyengar Yoga Teacher - Insured to teach the syllabus appropriate to certificate and types of classes according to certification level. Please refer to accompanying document -Teaching Certificate Guidelines.Journey TherapyKinesiologyKinetic Chain ReleaseKore Therapy/ConsultancyLaser - Low Level Laser TherapyLaughter TherapyLian Gong Shi Ba FaLok HupLu Jong (Tibetan Healing Yoga)Magnetic & Bio-Magnetic Therapy incl. Magnetech & Bio LampManual Therapy/Manipulative Therapy Martial - CapoeiraMartial Arts - AikidoMartial Arts - Choi Kwang DoMartial Arts - CombatzoneMartial Arts - JudoMartial Arts - Kick BoxingMartial Arts - Kung Fu - Non CombatMartial Arts - Kung Fu - Wing ChunMartial Arts - Kung FuMartial Arts - Self-Defence ClassesMartial Arts - TaekwandoMartial Arts - Te-At-SuMartial Arts InstructorMartial Arts-Baguazhang, Xingyiquan,Kung Fu/KuntaoMartial Tai ChiMartsiageMassage - includes all the types/forms of massage you are qualified to practise excluding sports massage or massage for pain management & wet cuppingMassage - Sports massage and/or massage for pain management insofar as you are qualified to practise it, excluding wet cupping.MBCT/MBSRMeditationMeir Schneider Method (The)MELT MethodMindfulness Meditation/Teaching/Movement/Breathwork/ActivitiesMinistry - Religious Ministry/Inter Faith/CelebrancyMovement & Dance TherapyMulligan ConceptMuscle Response Testing/Muscle Activation TechniquesMusic TherapyMyotherapyNaked Voice FacilitatorNappy Library - Nappy lending/hiring and advice (up to 5 enablers or helpers automatically included) Naturopathy/Naturopathic Nutrition/Naturopathy BodyworkNeuro Linguistic ProgrammingNeuro Structural IntegrationNursing Bra Fittings and SalesNutrition - Ayurvedic Nutrition & Lifestyle ConsultantNutrition - Food Intolerance Testing & CounsellingNutrition - Food Preparation & Cooking DemosNutrition - Nutritional Therapy/Diet/Life Style/Nutritional Advice or CounsellingNutrition - Weight Loss FacilitatorOccupational TherapyOtherParaffin Wax TreatmentsParenting AdvicePelvic Correction Perceptual Enrichment ProgrammePhlebotomyPilates - Pilates for ChildrenPilates Instructor ( Aerial) - includes all the usual Pilates disciplines such as Mat Work, Hand-Held Equipment, Pilates Walking, Pre & Post Natal Pilates, Pilates Mother & Baby Classes, Remedial Pilates, GP Referrals, Hot Pilates, Aerial Pilates and the use of ApparatusPilates Instructor ( Mat Work) - includes all the usual Pilates disciplines such as Hand-Held Equipment, Pilates Walking, Pre & Post Natal Pilates, Pilates Mother & Baby Classes, Remedial Pilates, GP Referrals and Hot Pilates but excludes Aerial Pilates and the use of ApparatusPilates Instructor (Apparatus) - includes all the usual Pilates disciplines such as Mat Work, Hand-Held Equipment, Pilates Walking, Pre & Post Natal Pilates, Pilates Mother & Baby Classes, Remedial Pilates, GP Referrals, Hot Pilates, the use of Apparatus but excluding Aerial Pilates.Play TherapyPoi Spinning (Non Fire)Postural & Myofascial IntegrationPostural Stability InstructionPregnancy - Birth Pool LoansPregnancy - Birth Preparation ClassesPregnancy - Breast Feed Peer SupporterPregnancy - Breast Pump HirePregnancy - Counsellor/Lactation ConsultantPregnancy/Parenting Support GroupPsychotherapyPulse Diagnosis & Tibetan YogaPuppet TherapyQi Gong (Soft Form)Qi Gong - MedicalQuantum AlignmentRaindrop TherapyReflexologyReichian TherapyReiki/Angelic ReikiRelaxation/Relaxation TherapyRemedial ExerciseRosen Method (The)SandaSchmeising & Hot Towel TreatmentsSeated Exercise/Chair-based ActivitiesShamanic Healing/Bodywork/Drumming/circle facilitator/Cacao ceremonies (excludes the hosting of retreats for the purposes of, use of or recommendation of Ayahuasca)Shock Wave TherapySinging/Music TeachingSleep TherapySling Library & cloth nappy library - Sling Lending/Hiring & Advice including Cloth Nappy Demonstrations & Nappy Library (up to 5 Peer Supporters/Enablers or helpers automatically included) Sling Library - Sling Lending/Hiring and advice (up to 5 Peer Supporters/Enablers or helpers automatically included) Sling Meet and advice (up to 5 Peer Supporters/Enablers or helpers automatically included)Soft Tissue TherapySonasSophrologySpace Clearing - Feng ShuiSports TapingSports TherapyStress Management TherapyStretch TherapySwimming Instructor Tai Chi - HealthTai Chi - MartialTai Chi AquaTai-Ki-DoTaiko DrummingTantsuTeaching - Lecturer including Public SpeakingTennis CoachTENS/EMS TreatmentsTime Line TherapyToning TablesTrager TechniqueTrainee Iyengar Yoga TeacherTraining - Corporate Training includes Accelerated Learning, Business Coaching, Management Training, Team Building Training, Communications Training, Other Classroom Based SubjectsTraining - Lifelong Learning TrainingTraining - Security Training includes Conflict Management, Physical Intervention, Close Protection, Breakaway TrainingTRE - Trauma Tension Release ExercisesTree Babies Instructor/Guide Vertebral MobilisationVibrational Release Therapy/MedicineWalker TechniqueWatsu AquaticWellbeing - Life CoachingWellbeing - Lifestyle/Wellbeing Coaching & AdviceWellbeing - Personal/Self Development TrainerWellbeing - Red Tent Temple Movement FacilitatorWellbeing - Well Woman - Menstruality EducatorWellbeing - Well Woman - Womb Blessing & HealingWellbeing - Well Woman TherapyXiang GongYamuna Body Logic/Body RollingYoga - Boxing YogaYoga - Hypno YogaYoga - Laughter YogaYoga - Power/Vibrational Plate YogaYoga - Restorative YogaYoga - Trampoline YogaYoga - Yoga FitnessYoga Instructor (anti-gravity/aerial) Yoga Instructor - includes all the usual yoga disciplines i.e. Postures, Breath work, Relaxation techniques, Meditation Techniques and Cleansing Practices, also Yoga Therapy/Remedial Yoga, GP Referrals, Ante &/or Post Natal Yoga, Baby Yoga &/or Infant Massage, Children's Yoga, Face Yoga, Laughter, Aqua Yoga, Anti-Gravity/Aerial/Swing/Balance Board/Trapeze Yoga/Acro yoga but excluding Stand up Paddle Yoga and Yoga with Animals.Yoga Instructor (standard) Yoga Instructor - includes all the usual yoga disciplines i.e. Postures, Breath work, Relaxation techniques, Meditation Techniques and Cleansing Practices, also Yoga Therapy/Remedial Yoga, GP Referrals, Ante &/or Post Natal Yoga, Baby Yoga &/or Infant Massage, Children's Yoga, Face Yoga, Laughter and Aqua Yoga; all insofar as you are trained to teach it, but excluding Anti-Gravity/Aerial/Swing/Balance Board/Trapeze Yoga, Stand up Paddle Yoga and Yoga with Animals.YogalatesZero Balancing Please provide full description:*THIS QUESTION IS CURRENTLY HIDDEN - Please do not use it. How many instructors/therapists do you require to be insured/named under this policy, including yourself if applicable? - select - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Details of the first instructor/therapist: Name: -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity: *CURRENTLY NOT IN USE - select - 121 Urban Hot Yoga - BYAA.A.P.A. :Aromatherapy & Allied Practitioners AssnAbhinja School of Yoga - BYAAcademy for Yoga Training - BYAActive Balance Yoga - BYAActive Birth CentreActive X BacksACY HolidaysAditya Yoga School - BYAAir Control PilatesAkhanda Prakash Yoga AshramAlchemy ASC LimitedAlexander Technique Education UK LtdAll Yoga - BYAAmissi School of YogaAmrit Nam SarovarAmrit Vela (KYTA Training School)Amrita School of YogaAnahata School of YogaAntara Yoga SchoolAnusara YogaAppleyogaAqua - VieAquanauts UK LtdArd Nahoo Yoga School - BYAArfyya YogaArhanta Yoga - BYAArt of LivingAshtanga & Yin Yoga - BYAAssociation for Yoga Studies (aYs) - BWYAthene Holistic Massage and Beauty Training - IPTIAura Wellness Center USAAura Yoga - BYAAuroraStar Holistic Therapies - IPTIAvani Yoga - BYAAwakening Fertility (formerly Qi Yoga)Ayurvedic Practitioners Association (APA)Baby 'n' You - IPTIBahia Yoga - BYABalance BeingBalance YogaBanyan Tree School of Yoga - BYABarefoot Body Training - BYABereavement Counsellors, Trainers & SupervisorsBihar School of Yoga - SatyanandaBikram Yoga BrightonBikram Yoga College of IndiaBikram Yoga London LtdBikram Yoga ManchesterBikram Yoga Trained InstructorsBilinguaSingBirth & Beyond CollectiveBirthlight Trained TeachersBlossom YogaBody Rescue Yoga TrainingBreathing SpaceBridget Woods Kramer School of Yoga (BYA)Bristol City Yoga - BYABritish School of YogaBWY TeachersBYAC YogaCalm For KidsCalmFamilyCAM Yoga TeachersCambridge School of YogaCaroline Garland Yoga - IYNChange Ahead Academy - IPTIChekira Wholistic TrustChessgrove Swim LtdChi Kri YogaChildren Do YogaChildren's Yoga TreeChill Out YogaChrysalis Kids Yoga - IYNCity Lit College Yoga TeachersCity Yoga Coventry - BYAClaire Missingham Vinyasa Flow YogaClaire Weatherley Yoga School - BYAClassical YogaCollege of Natural NutritionCollins & Barth School of Yoga - BYAComprehensive Yoga FellowshipCosmic Kids YogaCreative Calm - IYNCuddle Professionals International - IPTICYS (Classical Yoga School) - BYAD O'Keeffe t/as SKYDaisy FoundationDeRose MethodDevon School of YogaDRU (UK)Dylan Ayaloo Training Academy - BYADynamic Hot Yoga - BYAEarthereal Holistic Training Academy - IPTIEast Anglia Centre for Alexander TechniqueEast London School of Yoga - BYAEmpowering Children through Yoga - BYAEssential Wellbeing - IPTIEthos - BYAEx-KYTA TeachersFierce GraceFit From WithinFitness on Fire - Hot YogaFrame Academy - BYAFriends of Yoga InternationalFringe Yoga - BYAGemzgemsGitananda Yoga SocietyGood Life Yoga School - BYAGQ&I (A) Yoga TeachersGQ&I (B) Yoga - Link for ChildrenGQ&I (C) Yoga TherapistsGQ&I(B) Care Sure for ChildrenGrace and Presence YogaGroup X Training - REPSHands on Babies - IPTIHanson PilatesHarmonise Training Academy - REPSHarmony Healing - IPTIHartbeepsHartlepool Relaxation GroupHealth & Fitness Education (HFE) - REPSHeather Elton Yoga - BYAHimalayan Institute of YogaHot Bikram Yoga - JOCA Limited t/asHot Power Yoga/ LLIV Training/Dylan Ayaloo AcademyHot Yoga Edinburgh - BYAHot Yoga NewryHouse of Yoga - BYAHoward Carter - IPTIIk Saran Dhian (KYTA School)Indaba - BYAIndependent London Yoga Teachers - BWYIndependent Yoga NetworkIndividual SchemeIndividual Scheme - AIndividual Scheme - BIndividual Scheme - CIndividual Scheme - DIndividual Scheme - EIndividual Scheme - FIndividual Therapist - AIndividual Therapist - BIndividual Therapist - Care-SureIndividual Therapist - CIndividual Therapist - DIndividual Therapist - EIndividual Therapist - FIndividual Yoga - AIndividual Yoga - BIndividual Yoga - CIndividual Yoga - DIndividual Yoga - EIndividual Yoga - FIndividual Yoga TeacherInner Healing School of YogaInner Yoga TrustInspya Yoga - BYAIntegral Yoga UKIntegrated Yoga and Mindfulness - BYAIntegrative Yoga TherapyIntegrity School of Yoga - IYNIPTI Members Additional CoverIPTIIrish Yoga AssociationIt's Yoga - BYAIY (UK) Ltd TraineeIY (UK) LtdJamie YogaJivamukti - BYAJivan Mukta Academy - KYTAJivani Yoga School - BYAJohn Bell Yoga - BYAJohn Scott YogaJyoti Yoga - BYAKali Collective - BYAKaram Kriya (KYTA Training School)KarmatimeKaruna Yoga CentreKevala-trained Yoga TeachersKPJAYIKripalu School of Yoga - BYAKrishnamacharya Healing & Yoga FoundationKriya YogaKundalini Yoga Teachers Assn IrelandKundalini Yoga Teachers' Assn - MembersLeeds Teaching HospitalLian Gong Shi Ba FaLight of Hope CIC - IPTILimitless Yoga - BYALittle Greene YogaLive Love Yoga - BYALKY Yoga - BYALotus Love Yoga - BYALumi Power Yoga - BYALuna Rhythms YogaLush Tums - BYAMahala YogaMamaBabyBliss - IPTIMandala Yoga AshramMargaret De-Petro - IPTIMeadowlark Yoga - BYAMeditationMercia Area Yoga AssociationMeridian Yoga - IYNMetatronia Therapy Foundation of LightMind & Body AcademyMindful HealthMindful Yoga Academy - BYAMindfulness Yoga - Vitor Borges FriaryMini Me YogaMitchy Titch Ltd - IYNMother's Journey (The)Move Better Fitness Academy - IPTIMovEasyMovin MonkeezNartanya Yoga School - BYANatural Healthcare CollegeNaturopathic Nutrition AssociationNCT Trained InstructorsNew Approaches to CancerNew Forest Yoga - IYNNO LONGER IN USE- BYANordic Walking InstructorsNourish Yoga - BYAOkido Natural Health Education Trust LtdOne Yoga - BYAOtherOxfordshire Holistic Training - IPTIPadmasambhavaParampara School of Yoga - BYAParkdale Yoga CentrePatanjali Yog Peeth UK TrustPower Yoga Company (The) - BYAPure YogaPurest Light Healing FoundationQi FitnessQigong TaukRadiant Child Yoga - BYARainbow Light Yoga - BYARainbow Yoga - BYAReal Flow YogaRelax KidsREPs-accredited Yoga TeachersResearch on Yoga in Education UKRESONARevive Yoga Academy - BYARichard Adamo Yoga - BWY TeachersRishikul Yogshala - BYARoary & Friends Yoga Club LtdRu YogaRuyi School of Taijiquan & QigongSadhaka Yoga Centre - BYASadhana Yoga - BYASahej AcademySally Parkes - BYASam Rao Yoga SchoolSamgata YogaSampoorna Yoga - BYASantosha Yoga Training - BYASaraswati Yoga StudioSatyananda Yoga CentreSeasonal Yoga - BYASeven Stars Internal ArtsShakti Dance Teachers AssociationShakti Power Yoga (BYA)Shakti Spirit Yoga (BYA)Shala School of Yoga (The)Shama Yoga - BYAShanti - Care SureShanti Power Yoga - BYAShanti Yoga School Ltd & FMT School LtdShiftShiva Yoga Centre LiverpoolSivananda Trained Yoga TeachersSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre LondonSkills for LifeSoul ExplorerSoul Sanctuary - BYASouthampton Yoga AssociationSpecial Yoga Centre (The)Sport Yoga - BYASri Sri YogaStafford Yoga GroupStaffordshire Yoga FellowshipStar ChildStay Sharp YogaStill Flowing - BYAStress AngelsStretch - BYASun Power YogaSUNIAI - Karam Kriya (KYTA Training School)Sunra Yoga TeachersSurya Yoga LtdTai Chi Centre UKTai Chi NationTai Chi Register (The)Tai Chi Union for Great BritainTatty BumpkinTeach Yoga LtdTeen YogaTEWC Academy - IPTIThe Academy at the Retreat - IPTIThe Refinery School of Yoga - BYATo Baby and BeyondTouch-Learn International Ltd - IPTITree of Life Yoga - BYATri Yoga - BWY TeachersTribe Academy - BYATripsichoreTrue Yoga - BWY TeachersTrusted Touch UK - IPTITrybe Yoga - BYATulip Yoga StudioTYP International - BYAUK Yoga Teachers' NetworkUnion Yoga - BYAUniversal Martial TrainingUniversal Yoga Radstock - IYNVajrasati YogaVictor FoundationVinyasa Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Life - BYAVitality Holistic Massage & Beauty - IPTIVivian Callegaro Yoga Academy - IYNWellbeing In SchoolsWellbeing South WalesWessex Alliance of YogaWhitespace Yoga - BYAWiggleBums / WiggleKidsWindfire YogaWomb YogaYama UK - BYAYFH InstructorsYMCA Fit - Yoga ProfessionalsYoga & Co Academy - BYAYoga AcademyYoga Akasha Training SchoolYoga Alliance - Use BYA INDIVIDUALYoga Ananda - IYNYoga ArtsYoga at SchoolYoga BananasYoga BearsYoga Beez - BYAYoga Biomedical TrustYoga Bromley's Teachers TrainingYoga Campus (Life Centre Group)Yoga Course - BYAYoga Dance KidzYoga Dharma CentreYoga Edge - BYAYoga Farm Trained InstructorsYoga Fellowship NIYoga for Health & Education Trust (YHET)Yoga for Health (B) XFER GQI(A)Yoga for Healthy Lower BacksYoga for the MindYoga Garden (The) - BYAYoga Gro - BYAYoga Haven - BYAYoga Hero - BYAYoga in Daily Life - UKYoga in the Bay - BYAYoga Institute (The)Yoga Life Studio - BYAYoga London Ltd - BYAYoga Mama - BYAYoga Moves 4 KidsYoga of NorthumbriaYoga on the Lane - BYYoga PointYoga ProfessionalsYoga Quota - BYAYoga SanctuaryYoga Satsang Ashram Wales - BYAYoga ScotlandYoga ShalaYoga SquareYoga Therapy & Training Centre (YTTC )Yoga Therapy Ireland - BYAYoga Tree (The) - BYAYoga Venue Oxford - BYAYoga Vidya - BYAYoga West - BYAYoga with DrewYogabase LtdYogaBeezYogaBugsYogaBugs FranchiseeYogakidz Worldwide - BYAYogaloftYogarise - BYAYogasara Studio - IYNYogaveda UKYogolojiYounique Yoga - BYAYummy Yoga Training - BYAYWC Aerial Yoga TrainingZenways - BYAZoom Reiki Please provide details:*CURRENTLY NOT IN USE Is Personal Accident Cover required? YesNo Address: UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Phone number: Email: Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover? YesNo Details of the second instructor/therapist: Name: -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity: *CURRENTLY NOT IN USE - select - 121 Urban Hot Yoga - BYAA.A.P.A. :Aromatherapy & Allied Practitioners AssnAbhinja School of Yoga - BYAAcademy for Yoga Training - BYAActive Balance Yoga - BYAActive Birth CentreActive X BacksACY HolidaysAditya Yoga School - BYAAir Control PilatesAkhanda Prakash Yoga AshramAlchemy ASC LimitedAlexander Technique Education UK LtdAll Yoga - BYAAmissi School of YogaAmrit Nam SarovarAmrit Vela (KYTA Training School)Amrita School of YogaAnahata School of YogaAntara Yoga SchoolAnusara YogaAppleyogaAqua - VieAquanauts UK LtdArd Nahoo Yoga School - BYAArfyya YogaArhanta Yoga - BYAArt of LivingAshtanga & Yin Yoga - BYAAssociation for Yoga Studies (aYs) - BWYAthene Holistic Massage and Beauty Training - IPTIAura Wellness Center USAAura Yoga - BYAAuroraStar Holistic Therapies - IPTIAvani Yoga - BYAAwakening Fertility (formerly Qi Yoga)Ayurvedic Practitioners Association (APA)Baby 'n' You - IPTIBahia Yoga - BYABalance BeingBalance YogaBanyan Tree School of Yoga - BYABarefoot Body Training - BYABereavement Counsellors, Trainers & SupervisorsBihar School of Yoga - SatyanandaBikram Yoga BrightonBikram Yoga College of IndiaBikram Yoga London LtdBikram Yoga ManchesterBikram Yoga Trained InstructorsBilinguaSingBirth & Beyond CollectiveBirthlight Trained TeachersBlossom YogaBody Rescue Yoga TrainingBreathing SpaceBridget Woods Kramer School of Yoga (BYA)Bristol City Yoga - BYABritish School of YogaBWY TeachersBYAC YogaCalm For KidsCalmFamilyCAM Yoga TeachersCambridge School of YogaCaroline Garland Yoga - IYNChange Ahead Academy - IPTIChekira Wholistic TrustChessgrove Swim LtdChi Kri YogaChildren Do YogaChildren's Yoga TreeChill Out YogaChrysalis Kids Yoga - IYNCity Lit College Yoga TeachersCity Yoga Coventry - BYAClaire Missingham Vinyasa Flow YogaClaire Weatherley Yoga School - BYAClassical YogaCollege of Natural NutritionCollins & Barth School of Yoga - BYAComprehensive Yoga FellowshipCosmic Kids YogaCreative Calm - IYNCuddle Professionals International - IPTICYS (Classical Yoga School) - BYAD O'Keeffe t/as SKYDaisy FoundationDeRose MethodDevon School of YogaDRU (UK)Dylan Ayaloo Training Academy - BYADynamic Hot Yoga - BYAEarthereal Holistic Training Academy - IPTIEast Anglia Centre for Alexander TechniqueEast London School of Yoga - BYAEmpowering Children through Yoga - BYAEssential Wellbeing - IPTIEthos - BYAEx-KYTA TeachersFierce GraceFit From WithinFitness on Fire - Hot YogaFrame Academy - BYAFriends of Yoga InternationalFringe Yoga - BYAGemzgemsGitananda Yoga SocietyGood Life Yoga School - BYAGQ&I (A) Yoga TeachersGQ&I (B) Yoga - Link for ChildrenGQ&I (C) Yoga TherapistsGQ&I(B) Care Sure for ChildrenGrace and Presence YogaGroup X Training - REPSHands on Babies - IPTIHanson PilatesHarmonise Training Academy - REPSHarmony Healing - IPTIHartbeepsHartlepool Relaxation GroupHealth & Fitness Education (HFE) - REPSHeather Elton Yoga - BYAHimalayan Institute of YogaHot Bikram Yoga - JOCA Limited t/asHot Power Yoga/ LLIV Training/Dylan Ayaloo AcademyHot Yoga Edinburgh - BYAHot Yoga NewryHouse of Yoga - BYAHoward Carter - IPTIIk Saran Dhian (KYTA School)Indaba - BYAIndependent London Yoga Teachers - BWYIndependent Yoga NetworkIndividual SchemeIndividual Scheme - AIndividual Scheme - BIndividual Scheme - CIndividual Scheme - DIndividual Scheme - EIndividual Scheme - FIndividual Therapist - AIndividual Therapist - BIndividual Therapist - Care-SureIndividual Therapist - CIndividual Therapist - DIndividual Therapist - EIndividual Therapist - FIndividual Yoga - AIndividual Yoga - BIndividual Yoga - CIndividual Yoga - DIndividual Yoga - EIndividual Yoga - FIndividual Yoga TeacherInner Healing School of YogaInner Yoga TrustInspya Yoga - BYAIntegral Yoga UKIntegrated Yoga and Mindfulness - BYAIntegrative Yoga TherapyIntegrity School of Yoga - IYNIPTI Members Additional CoverIPTIIrish Yoga AssociationIt's Yoga - BYAIY (UK) Ltd TraineeIY (UK) LtdJamie YogaJivamukti - BYAJivan Mukta Academy - KYTAJivani Yoga School - BYAJohn Bell Yoga - BYAJohn Scott YogaJyoti Yoga - BYAKali Collective - BYAKaram Kriya (KYTA Training School)KarmatimeKaruna Yoga CentreKevala-trained Yoga TeachersKPJAYIKripalu School of Yoga - BYAKrishnamacharya Healing & Yoga FoundationKriya YogaKundalini Yoga Teachers Assn IrelandKundalini Yoga Teachers' Assn - MembersLeeds Teaching HospitalLian Gong Shi Ba FaLight of Hope CIC - IPTILimitless Yoga - BYALittle Greene YogaLive Love Yoga - BYALKY Yoga - BYALotus Love Yoga - BYALumi Power Yoga - BYALuna Rhythms YogaLush Tums - BYAMahala YogaMamaBabyBliss - IPTIMandala Yoga AshramMargaret De-Petro - IPTIMeadowlark Yoga - BYAMeditationMercia Area Yoga AssociationMeridian Yoga - IYNMetatronia Therapy Foundation of LightMind & Body AcademyMindful HealthMindful Yoga Academy - BYAMindfulness Yoga - Vitor Borges FriaryMini Me YogaMitchy Titch Ltd - IYNMother's Journey (The)Move Better Fitness Academy - IPTIMovEasyMovin MonkeezNartanya Yoga School - BYANatural Healthcare CollegeNaturopathic Nutrition AssociationNCT Trained InstructorsNew Approaches to CancerNew Forest Yoga - IYNNO LONGER IN USE- BYANordic Walking InstructorsNourish Yoga - BYAOkido Natural Health Education Trust LtdOne Yoga - BYAOtherOxfordshire Holistic Training - IPTIPadmasambhavaParampara School of Yoga - BYAParkdale Yoga CentrePatanjali Yog Peeth UK TrustPower Yoga Company (The) - BYAPure YogaPurest Light Healing FoundationQi FitnessQigong TaukRadiant Child Yoga - BYARainbow Light Yoga - BYARainbow Yoga - BYAReal Flow YogaRelax KidsREPs-accredited Yoga TeachersResearch on Yoga in Education UKRESONARevive Yoga Academy - BYARichard Adamo Yoga - BWY TeachersRishikul Yogshala - BYARoary & Friends Yoga Club LtdRu YogaRuyi School of Taijiquan & QigongSadhaka Yoga Centre - BYASadhana Yoga - BYASahej AcademySally Parkes - BYASam Rao Yoga SchoolSamgata YogaSampoorna Yoga - BYASantosha Yoga Training - BYASaraswati Yoga StudioSatyananda Yoga CentreSeasonal Yoga - BYASeven Stars Internal ArtsShakti Dance Teachers AssociationShakti Power Yoga (BYA)Shakti Spirit Yoga (BYA)Shala School of Yoga (The)Shama Yoga - BYAShanti - Care SureShanti Power Yoga - BYAShanti Yoga School Ltd & FMT School LtdShiftShiva Yoga Centre LiverpoolSivananda Trained Yoga TeachersSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre LondonSkills for LifeSoul ExplorerSoul Sanctuary - BYASouthampton Yoga AssociationSpecial Yoga Centre (The)Sport Yoga - BYASri Sri YogaStafford Yoga GroupStaffordshire Yoga FellowshipStar ChildStay Sharp YogaStill Flowing - BYAStress AngelsStretch - BYASun Power YogaSUNIAI - Karam Kriya (KYTA Training School)Sunra Yoga TeachersSurya Yoga LtdTai Chi Centre UKTai Chi NationTai Chi Register (The)Tai Chi Union for Great BritainTatty BumpkinTeach Yoga LtdTeen YogaTEWC Academy - IPTIThe Academy at the Retreat - IPTIThe Refinery School of Yoga - BYATo Baby and BeyondTouch-Learn International Ltd - IPTITree of Life Yoga - BYATri Yoga - BWY TeachersTribe Academy - BYATripsichoreTrue Yoga - BWY TeachersTrusted Touch UK - IPTITrybe Yoga - BYATulip Yoga StudioTYP International - BYAUK Yoga Teachers' NetworkUnion Yoga - BYAUniversal Martial TrainingUniversal Yoga Radstock - IYNVajrasati YogaVictor FoundationVinyasa Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Life - BYAVitality Holistic Massage & Beauty - IPTIVivian Callegaro Yoga Academy - IYNWellbeing In SchoolsWellbeing South WalesWessex Alliance of YogaWhitespace Yoga - BYAWiggleBums / WiggleKidsWindfire YogaWomb YogaYama UK - BYAYFH InstructorsYMCA Fit - Yoga ProfessionalsYoga & Co Academy - BYAYoga AcademyYoga Akasha Training SchoolYoga Alliance - Use BYA INDIVIDUALYoga Ananda - IYNYoga ArtsYoga at SchoolYoga BananasYoga BearsYoga Beez - BYAYoga Biomedical TrustYoga Bromley's Teachers TrainingYoga Campus (Life Centre Group)Yoga Course - BYAYoga Dance KidzYoga Dharma CentreYoga Edge - BYAYoga Farm Trained InstructorsYoga Fellowship NIYoga for Health & Education Trust (YHET)Yoga for Health (B) XFER GQI(A)Yoga for Healthy Lower BacksYoga for the MindYoga Garden (The) - BYAYoga Gro - BYAYoga Haven - BYAYoga Hero - BYAYoga in Daily Life - UKYoga in the Bay - BYAYoga Institute (The)Yoga Life Studio - BYAYoga London Ltd - BYAYoga Mama - BYAYoga Moves 4 KidsYoga of NorthumbriaYoga on the Lane - BYYoga PointYoga ProfessionalsYoga Quota - BYAYoga SanctuaryYoga Satsang Ashram Wales - BYAYoga ScotlandYoga ShalaYoga SquareYoga Therapy & Training Centre (YTTC )Yoga Therapy Ireland - BYAYoga Tree (The) - BYAYoga Venue Oxford - BYAYoga Vidya - BYAYoga West - BYAYoga with DrewYogabase LtdYogaBeezYogaBugsYogaBugs FranchiseeYogakidz Worldwide - BYAYogaloftYogarise - BYAYogasara Studio - IYNYogaveda UKYogolojiYounique Yoga - BYAYummy Yoga Training - BYAYWC Aerial Yoga TrainingZenways - BYAZoom Reiki Please provide details:*CURRENTLY NOT IN USE Is Personal Accident Cover required? YesNo Address: UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Phone number: Email: Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover? YesNo Details of the third instructor/therapist: Name: -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity: *CURRENTLY NOT IN USE - select - 121 Urban Hot Yoga - BYAA.A.P.A. :Aromatherapy & Allied Practitioners AssnAbhinja School of Yoga - BYAAcademy for Yoga Training - BYAActive Balance Yoga - BYAActive Birth CentreActive X BacksACY HolidaysAditya Yoga School - BYAAir Control PilatesAkhanda Prakash Yoga AshramAlchemy ASC LimitedAlexander Technique Education UK LtdAll Yoga - BYAAmissi School of YogaAmrit Nam SarovarAmrit Vela (KYTA Training School)Amrita School of YogaAnahata School of YogaAntara Yoga SchoolAnusara YogaAppleyogaAqua - VieAquanauts UK LtdArd Nahoo Yoga School - BYAArfyya YogaArhanta Yoga - BYAArt of LivingAshtanga & Yin Yoga - BYAAssociation for Yoga Studies (aYs) - BWYAthene Holistic Massage and Beauty Training - IPTIAura Wellness Center USAAura Yoga - BYAAuroraStar Holistic Therapies - IPTIAvani Yoga - BYAAwakening Fertility (formerly Qi Yoga)Ayurvedic Practitioners Association (APA)Baby 'n' You - IPTIBahia Yoga - BYABalance BeingBalance YogaBanyan Tree School of Yoga - BYABarefoot Body Training - BYABereavement Counsellors, Trainers & SupervisorsBihar School of Yoga - SatyanandaBikram Yoga BrightonBikram Yoga College of IndiaBikram Yoga London LtdBikram Yoga ManchesterBikram Yoga Trained InstructorsBilinguaSingBirth & Beyond CollectiveBirthlight Trained TeachersBlossom YogaBody Rescue Yoga TrainingBreathing SpaceBridget Woods Kramer School of Yoga (BYA)Bristol City Yoga - BYABritish School of YogaBWY TeachersBYAC YogaCalm For KidsCalmFamilyCAM Yoga TeachersCambridge School of YogaCaroline Garland Yoga - IYNChange Ahead Academy - IPTIChekira Wholistic TrustChessgrove Swim LtdChi Kri YogaChildren Do YogaChildren's Yoga TreeChill Out YogaChrysalis Kids Yoga - IYNCity Lit College Yoga TeachersCity Yoga Coventry - BYAClaire Missingham Vinyasa Flow YogaClaire Weatherley Yoga School - BYAClassical YogaCollege of Natural NutritionCollins & Barth School of Yoga - BYAComprehensive Yoga FellowshipCosmic Kids YogaCreative Calm - IYNCuddle Professionals International - IPTICYS (Classical Yoga School) - BYAD O'Keeffe t/as SKYDaisy FoundationDeRose MethodDevon School of YogaDRU (UK)Dylan Ayaloo Training Academy - BYADynamic Hot Yoga - BYAEarthereal Holistic Training Academy - IPTIEast Anglia Centre for Alexander TechniqueEast London School of Yoga - BYAEmpowering Children through Yoga - BYAEssential Wellbeing - IPTIEthos - BYAEx-KYTA TeachersFierce GraceFit From WithinFitness on Fire - Hot YogaFrame Academy - BYAFriends of Yoga InternationalFringe Yoga - BYAGemzgemsGitananda Yoga SocietyGood Life Yoga School - BYAGQ&I (A) Yoga TeachersGQ&I (B) Yoga - Link for ChildrenGQ&I (C) Yoga TherapistsGQ&I(B) Care Sure for ChildrenGrace and Presence YogaGroup X Training - REPSHands on Babies - IPTIHanson PilatesHarmonise Training Academy - REPSHarmony Healing - IPTIHartbeepsHartlepool Relaxation GroupHealth & Fitness Education (HFE) - REPSHeather Elton Yoga - BYAHimalayan Institute of YogaHot Bikram Yoga - JOCA Limited t/asHot Power Yoga/ LLIV Training/Dylan Ayaloo AcademyHot Yoga Edinburgh - BYAHot Yoga NewryHouse of Yoga - BYAHoward Carter - IPTIIk Saran Dhian (KYTA School)Indaba - BYAIndependent London Yoga Teachers - BWYIndependent Yoga NetworkIndividual SchemeIndividual Scheme - AIndividual Scheme - BIndividual Scheme - CIndividual Scheme - DIndividual Scheme - EIndividual Scheme - FIndividual Therapist - AIndividual Therapist - BIndividual Therapist - Care-SureIndividual Therapist - CIndividual Therapist - DIndividual Therapist - EIndividual Therapist - FIndividual Yoga - AIndividual Yoga - BIndividual Yoga - CIndividual Yoga - DIndividual Yoga - EIndividual Yoga - FIndividual Yoga TeacherInner Healing School of YogaInner Yoga TrustInspya Yoga - BYAIntegral Yoga UKIntegrated Yoga and Mindfulness - BYAIntegrative Yoga TherapyIntegrity School of Yoga - IYNIPTI Members Additional CoverIPTIIrish Yoga AssociationIt's Yoga - BYAIY (UK) Ltd TraineeIY (UK) LtdJamie YogaJivamukti - BYAJivan Mukta Academy - KYTAJivani Yoga School - BYAJohn Bell Yoga - BYAJohn Scott YogaJyoti Yoga - BYAKali Collective - BYAKaram Kriya (KYTA Training School)KarmatimeKaruna Yoga CentreKevala-trained Yoga TeachersKPJAYIKripalu School of Yoga - BYAKrishnamacharya Healing & Yoga FoundationKriya YogaKundalini Yoga Teachers Assn IrelandKundalini Yoga Teachers' Assn - MembersLeeds Teaching HospitalLian Gong Shi Ba FaLight of Hope CIC - IPTILimitless Yoga - BYALittle Greene YogaLive Love Yoga - BYALKY Yoga - BYALotus Love Yoga - BYALumi Power Yoga - BYALuna Rhythms YogaLush Tums - BYAMahala YogaMamaBabyBliss - IPTIMandala Yoga AshramMargaret De-Petro - IPTIMeadowlark Yoga - BYAMeditationMercia Area Yoga AssociationMeridian Yoga - IYNMetatronia Therapy Foundation of LightMind & Body AcademyMindful HealthMindful Yoga Academy - BYAMindfulness Yoga - Vitor Borges FriaryMini Me YogaMitchy Titch Ltd - IYNMother's Journey (The)Move Better Fitness Academy - IPTIMovEasyMovin MonkeezNartanya Yoga School - BYANatural Healthcare CollegeNaturopathic Nutrition AssociationNCT Trained InstructorsNew Approaches to CancerNew Forest Yoga - IYNNO LONGER IN USE- BYANordic Walking InstructorsNourish Yoga - BYAOkido Natural Health Education Trust LtdOne Yoga - BYAOtherOxfordshire Holistic Training - IPTIPadmasambhavaParampara School of Yoga - BYAParkdale Yoga CentrePatanjali Yog Peeth UK TrustPower Yoga Company (The) - BYAPure YogaPurest Light Healing FoundationQi FitnessQigong TaukRadiant Child Yoga - BYARainbow Light Yoga - BYARainbow Yoga - BYAReal Flow YogaRelax KidsREPs-accredited Yoga TeachersResearch on Yoga in Education UKRESONARevive Yoga Academy - BYARichard Adamo Yoga - BWY TeachersRishikul Yogshala - BYARoary & Friends Yoga Club LtdRu YogaRuyi School of Taijiquan & QigongSadhaka Yoga Centre - BYASadhana Yoga - BYASahej AcademySally Parkes - BYASam Rao Yoga SchoolSamgata YogaSampoorna Yoga - BYASantosha Yoga Training - BYASaraswati Yoga StudioSatyananda Yoga CentreSeasonal Yoga - BYASeven Stars Internal ArtsShakti Dance Teachers AssociationShakti Power Yoga (BYA)Shakti Spirit Yoga (BYA)Shala School of Yoga (The)Shama Yoga - BYAShanti - Care SureShanti Power Yoga - BYAShanti Yoga School Ltd & FMT School LtdShiftShiva Yoga Centre LiverpoolSivananda Trained Yoga TeachersSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre LondonSkills for LifeSoul ExplorerSoul Sanctuary - BYASouthampton Yoga AssociationSpecial Yoga Centre (The)Sport Yoga - BYASri Sri YogaStafford Yoga GroupStaffordshire Yoga FellowshipStar ChildStay Sharp YogaStill Flowing - BYAStress AngelsStretch - BYASun Power YogaSUNIAI - Karam Kriya (KYTA Training School)Sunra Yoga TeachersSurya Yoga LtdTai Chi Centre UKTai Chi NationTai Chi Register (The)Tai Chi Union for Great BritainTatty BumpkinTeach Yoga LtdTeen YogaTEWC Academy - IPTIThe Academy at the Retreat - IPTIThe Refinery School of Yoga - BYATo Baby and BeyondTouch-Learn International Ltd - IPTITree of Life Yoga - BYATri Yoga - BWY TeachersTribe Academy - BYATripsichoreTrue Yoga - BWY TeachersTrusted Touch UK - IPTITrybe Yoga - BYATulip Yoga StudioTYP International - BYAUK Yoga Teachers' NetworkUnion Yoga - BYAUniversal Martial TrainingUniversal Yoga Radstock - IYNVajrasati YogaVictor FoundationVinyasa Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Life - BYAVitality Holistic Massage & Beauty - IPTIVivian Callegaro Yoga Academy - IYNWellbeing In SchoolsWellbeing South WalesWessex Alliance of YogaWhitespace Yoga - BYAWiggleBums / WiggleKidsWindfire YogaWomb YogaYama UK - BYAYFH InstructorsYMCA Fit - Yoga ProfessionalsYoga & Co Academy - BYAYoga AcademyYoga Akasha Training SchoolYoga Alliance - Use BYA INDIVIDUALYoga Ananda - IYNYoga ArtsYoga at SchoolYoga BananasYoga BearsYoga Beez - BYAYoga Biomedical TrustYoga Bromley's Teachers TrainingYoga Campus (Life Centre Group)Yoga Course - BYAYoga Dance KidzYoga Dharma CentreYoga Edge - BYAYoga Farm Trained InstructorsYoga Fellowship NIYoga for Health & Education Trust (YHET)Yoga for Health (B) XFER GQI(A)Yoga for Healthy Lower BacksYoga for the MindYoga Garden (The) - BYAYoga Gro - BYAYoga Haven - BYAYoga Hero - BYAYoga in Daily Life - UKYoga in the Bay - BYAYoga Institute (The)Yoga Life Studio - BYAYoga London Ltd - BYAYoga Mama - BYAYoga Moves 4 KidsYoga of NorthumbriaYoga on the Lane - BYYoga PointYoga ProfessionalsYoga Quota - BYAYoga SanctuaryYoga Satsang Ashram Wales - BYAYoga ScotlandYoga ShalaYoga SquareYoga Therapy & Training Centre (YTTC )Yoga Therapy Ireland - BYAYoga Tree (The) - BYAYoga Venue Oxford - BYAYoga Vidya - BYAYoga West - BYAYoga with DrewYogabase LtdYogaBeezYogaBugsYogaBugs FranchiseeYogakidz Worldwide - BYAYogaloftYogarise - BYAYogasara Studio - IYNYogaveda UKYogolojiYounique Yoga - BYAYummy Yoga Training - BYAYWC Aerial Yoga TrainingZenways - BYAZoom Reiki Please provide details:*CURRENTLY NOT IN USE Is Personal Accident Cover required? YesNo Address: UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Phone number: Email: Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover? YesNo Details of the fourth instructor/therapist: Name: -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity: *CURRENTLY NOT IN USE - select - 121 Urban Hot Yoga - BYAA.A.P.A. :Aromatherapy & Allied Practitioners AssnAbhinja School of Yoga - BYAAcademy for Yoga Training - BYAActive Balance Yoga - BYAActive Birth CentreActive X BacksACY HolidaysAditya Yoga School - BYAAir Control PilatesAkhanda Prakash Yoga AshramAlchemy ASC LimitedAlexander Technique Education UK LtdAll Yoga - BYAAmissi School of YogaAmrit Nam SarovarAmrit Vela (KYTA Training School)Amrita School of YogaAnahata School of YogaAntara Yoga SchoolAnusara YogaAppleyogaAqua - VieAquanauts UK LtdArd Nahoo Yoga School - BYAArfyya YogaArhanta Yoga - BYAArt of LivingAshtanga & Yin Yoga - BYAAssociation for Yoga Studies (aYs) - BWYAthene Holistic Massage and Beauty Training - IPTIAura Wellness Center USAAura Yoga - BYAAuroraStar Holistic Therapies - IPTIAvani Yoga - BYAAwakening Fertility (formerly Qi Yoga)Ayurvedic Practitioners Association (APA)Baby 'n' You - IPTIBahia Yoga - BYABalance BeingBalance YogaBanyan Tree School of Yoga - BYABarefoot Body Training - BYABereavement Counsellors, Trainers & SupervisorsBihar School of Yoga - SatyanandaBikram Yoga BrightonBikram Yoga College of IndiaBikram Yoga London LtdBikram Yoga ManchesterBikram Yoga Trained InstructorsBilinguaSingBirth & Beyond CollectiveBirthlight Trained TeachersBlossom YogaBody Rescue Yoga TrainingBreathing SpaceBridget Woods Kramer School of Yoga (BYA)Bristol City Yoga - BYABritish School of YogaBWY TeachersBYAC YogaCalm For KidsCalmFamilyCAM Yoga TeachersCambridge School of YogaCaroline Garland Yoga - IYNChange Ahead Academy - IPTIChekira Wholistic TrustChessgrove Swim LtdChi Kri YogaChildren Do YogaChildren's Yoga TreeChill Out YogaChrysalis Kids Yoga - IYNCity Lit College Yoga TeachersCity Yoga Coventry - BYAClaire Missingham Vinyasa Flow YogaClaire Weatherley Yoga School - BYAClassical YogaCollege of Natural NutritionCollins & Barth School of Yoga - BYAComprehensive Yoga FellowshipCosmic Kids YogaCreative Calm - IYNCuddle Professionals International - IPTICYS (Classical Yoga School) - BYAD O'Keeffe t/as SKYDaisy FoundationDeRose MethodDevon School of YogaDRU (UK)Dylan Ayaloo Training Academy - BYADynamic Hot Yoga - BYAEarthereal Holistic Training Academy - IPTIEast Anglia Centre for Alexander TechniqueEast London School of Yoga - BYAEmpowering Children through Yoga - BYAEssential Wellbeing - IPTIEthos - BYAEx-KYTA TeachersFierce GraceFit From WithinFitness on Fire - Hot YogaFrame Academy - BYAFriends of Yoga InternationalFringe Yoga - BYAGemzgemsGitananda Yoga SocietyGood Life Yoga School - BYAGQ&I (A) Yoga TeachersGQ&I (B) Yoga - Link for ChildrenGQ&I (C) Yoga TherapistsGQ&I(B) Care Sure for ChildrenGrace and Presence YogaGroup X Training - REPSHands on Babies - IPTIHanson PilatesHarmonise Training Academy - REPSHarmony Healing - IPTIHartbeepsHartlepool Relaxation GroupHealth & Fitness Education (HFE) - REPSHeather Elton Yoga - BYAHimalayan Institute of YogaHot Bikram Yoga - JOCA Limited t/asHot Power Yoga/ LLIV Training/Dylan Ayaloo AcademyHot Yoga Edinburgh - BYAHot Yoga NewryHouse of Yoga - BYAHoward Carter - IPTIIk Saran Dhian (KYTA School)Indaba - BYAIndependent London Yoga Teachers - BWYIndependent Yoga NetworkIndividual SchemeIndividual Scheme - AIndividual Scheme - BIndividual Scheme - CIndividual Scheme - DIndividual Scheme - EIndividual Scheme - FIndividual Therapist - AIndividual Therapist - BIndividual Therapist - Care-SureIndividual Therapist - CIndividual Therapist - DIndividual Therapist - EIndividual Therapist - FIndividual Yoga - AIndividual Yoga - BIndividual Yoga - CIndividual Yoga - DIndividual Yoga - EIndividual Yoga - FIndividual Yoga TeacherInner Healing School of YogaInner Yoga TrustInspya Yoga - BYAIntegral Yoga UKIntegrated Yoga and Mindfulness - BYAIntegrative Yoga TherapyIntegrity School of Yoga - IYNIPTI Members Additional CoverIPTIIrish Yoga AssociationIt's Yoga - BYAIY (UK) Ltd TraineeIY (UK) LtdJamie YogaJivamukti - BYAJivan Mukta Academy - KYTAJivani Yoga School - BYAJohn Bell Yoga - BYAJohn Scott YogaJyoti Yoga - BYAKali Collective - BYAKaram Kriya (KYTA Training School)KarmatimeKaruna Yoga CentreKevala-trained Yoga TeachersKPJAYIKripalu School of Yoga - BYAKrishnamacharya Healing & Yoga FoundationKriya YogaKundalini Yoga Teachers Assn IrelandKundalini Yoga Teachers' Assn - MembersLeeds Teaching HospitalLian Gong Shi Ba FaLight of Hope CIC - IPTILimitless Yoga - BYALittle Greene YogaLive Love Yoga - BYALKY Yoga - BYALotus Love Yoga - BYALumi Power Yoga - BYALuna Rhythms YogaLush Tums - BYAMahala YogaMamaBabyBliss - IPTIMandala Yoga AshramMargaret De-Petro - IPTIMeadowlark Yoga - BYAMeditationMercia Area Yoga AssociationMeridian Yoga - IYNMetatronia Therapy Foundation of LightMind & Body AcademyMindful HealthMindful Yoga Academy - BYAMindfulness Yoga - Vitor Borges FriaryMini Me YogaMitchy Titch Ltd - IYNMother's Journey (The)Move Better Fitness Academy - IPTIMovEasyMovin MonkeezNartanya Yoga School - BYANatural Healthcare CollegeNaturopathic Nutrition AssociationNCT Trained InstructorsNew Approaches to CancerNew Forest Yoga - IYNNO LONGER IN USE- BYANordic Walking InstructorsNourish Yoga - BYAOkido Natural Health Education Trust LtdOne Yoga - BYAOtherOxfordshire Holistic Training - IPTIPadmasambhavaParampara School of Yoga - BYAParkdale Yoga CentrePatanjali Yog Peeth UK TrustPower Yoga Company (The) - BYAPure YogaPurest Light Healing FoundationQi FitnessQigong TaukRadiant Child Yoga - BYARainbow Light Yoga - BYARainbow Yoga - BYAReal Flow YogaRelax KidsREPs-accredited Yoga TeachersResearch on Yoga in Education UKRESONARevive Yoga Academy - BYARichard Adamo Yoga - BWY TeachersRishikul Yogshala - BYARoary & Friends Yoga Club LtdRu YogaRuyi School of Taijiquan & QigongSadhaka Yoga Centre - BYASadhana Yoga - BYASahej AcademySally Parkes - BYASam Rao Yoga SchoolSamgata YogaSampoorna Yoga - BYASantosha Yoga Training - BYASaraswati Yoga StudioSatyananda Yoga CentreSeasonal Yoga - BYASeven Stars Internal ArtsShakti Dance Teachers AssociationShakti Power Yoga (BYA)Shakti Spirit Yoga (BYA)Shala School of Yoga (The)Shama Yoga - BYAShanti - Care SureShanti Power Yoga - BYAShanti Yoga School Ltd & FMT School LtdShiftShiva Yoga Centre LiverpoolSivananda Trained Yoga TeachersSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre LondonSkills for LifeSoul ExplorerSoul Sanctuary - BYASouthampton Yoga AssociationSpecial Yoga Centre (The)Sport Yoga - BYASri Sri YogaStafford Yoga GroupStaffordshire Yoga FellowshipStar ChildStay Sharp YogaStill Flowing - BYAStress AngelsStretch - BYASun Power YogaSUNIAI - Karam Kriya (KYTA Training School)Sunra Yoga TeachersSurya Yoga LtdTai Chi Centre UKTai Chi NationTai Chi Register (The)Tai Chi Union for Great BritainTatty BumpkinTeach Yoga LtdTeen YogaTEWC Academy - IPTIThe Academy at the Retreat - IPTIThe Refinery School of Yoga - BYATo Baby and BeyondTouch-Learn International Ltd - IPTITree of Life Yoga - BYATri Yoga - BWY TeachersTribe Academy - BYATripsichoreTrue Yoga - BWY TeachersTrusted Touch UK - IPTITrybe Yoga - BYATulip Yoga StudioTYP International - BYAUK Yoga Teachers' NetworkUnion Yoga - BYAUniversal Martial TrainingUniversal Yoga Radstock - IYNVajrasati YogaVictor FoundationVinyasa Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Life - BYAVitality Holistic Massage & Beauty - IPTIVivian Callegaro Yoga Academy - IYNWellbeing In SchoolsWellbeing South WalesWessex Alliance of YogaWhitespace Yoga - BYAWiggleBums / WiggleKidsWindfire YogaWomb YogaYama UK - BYAYFH InstructorsYMCA Fit - Yoga ProfessionalsYoga & Co Academy - BYAYoga AcademyYoga Akasha Training SchoolYoga Alliance - Use BYA INDIVIDUALYoga Ananda - IYNYoga ArtsYoga at SchoolYoga BananasYoga BearsYoga Beez - BYAYoga Biomedical TrustYoga Bromley's Teachers TrainingYoga Campus (Life Centre Group)Yoga Course - BYAYoga Dance KidzYoga Dharma CentreYoga Edge - BYAYoga Farm Trained InstructorsYoga Fellowship NIYoga for Health & Education Trust (YHET)Yoga for Health (B) XFER GQI(A)Yoga for Healthy Lower BacksYoga for the MindYoga Garden (The) - BYAYoga Gro - BYAYoga Haven - BYAYoga Hero - BYAYoga in Daily Life - UKYoga in the Bay - BYAYoga Institute (The)Yoga Life Studio - BYAYoga London Ltd - BYAYoga Mama - BYAYoga Moves 4 KidsYoga of NorthumbriaYoga on the Lane - BYYoga PointYoga ProfessionalsYoga Quota - BYAYoga SanctuaryYoga Satsang Ashram Wales - BYAYoga ScotlandYoga ShalaYoga SquareYoga Therapy & Training Centre (YTTC )Yoga Therapy Ireland - BYAYoga Tree (The) - BYAYoga Venue Oxford - BYAYoga Vidya - BYAYoga West - BYAYoga with DrewYogabase LtdYogaBeezYogaBugsYogaBugs FranchiseeYogakidz Worldwide - BYAYogaloftYogarise - BYAYogasara Studio - IYNYogaveda UKYogolojiYounique Yoga - BYAYummy Yoga Training - BYAYWC Aerial Yoga TrainingZenways - BYAZoom Reiki Please provide details:*CURRENTLY NOT IN USE Is Personal Accident Cover required? YesNo Address: UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Phone number: Email: Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover? YesNo Details of the fifth instructor/therapist: Name: -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity: *CURRENTLY NOT IN USE - select - 121 Urban Hot Yoga - BYAA.A.P.A. :Aromatherapy & Allied Practitioners AssnAbhinja School of Yoga - BYAAcademy for Yoga Training - BYAActive Balance Yoga - BYAActive Birth CentreActive X BacksACY HolidaysAditya Yoga School - BYAAir Control PilatesAkhanda Prakash Yoga AshramAlchemy ASC LimitedAlexander Technique Education UK LtdAll Yoga - BYAAmissi School of YogaAmrit Nam SarovarAmrit Vela (KYTA Training School)Amrita School of YogaAnahata School of YogaAntara Yoga SchoolAnusara YogaAppleyogaAqua - VieAquanauts UK LtdArd Nahoo Yoga School - BYAArfyya YogaArhanta Yoga - BYAArt of LivingAshtanga & Yin Yoga - BYAAssociation for Yoga Studies (aYs) - BWYAthene Holistic Massage and Beauty Training - IPTIAura Wellness Center USAAura Yoga - BYAAuroraStar Holistic Therapies - IPTIAvani Yoga - BYAAwakening Fertility (formerly Qi Yoga)Ayurvedic Practitioners Association (APA)Baby 'n' You - IPTIBahia Yoga - BYABalance BeingBalance YogaBanyan Tree School of Yoga - BYABarefoot Body Training - BYABereavement Counsellors, Trainers & SupervisorsBihar School of Yoga - SatyanandaBikram Yoga BrightonBikram Yoga College of IndiaBikram Yoga London LtdBikram Yoga ManchesterBikram Yoga Trained InstructorsBilinguaSingBirth & Beyond CollectiveBirthlight Trained TeachersBlossom YogaBody Rescue Yoga TrainingBreathing SpaceBridget Woods Kramer School of Yoga (BYA)Bristol City Yoga - BYABritish School of YogaBWY TeachersBYAC YogaCalm For KidsCalmFamilyCAM Yoga TeachersCambridge School of YogaCaroline Garland Yoga - IYNChange Ahead Academy - IPTIChekira Wholistic TrustChessgrove Swim LtdChi Kri YogaChildren Do YogaChildren's Yoga TreeChill Out YogaChrysalis Kids Yoga - IYNCity Lit College Yoga TeachersCity Yoga Coventry - BYAClaire Missingham Vinyasa Flow YogaClaire Weatherley Yoga School - BYAClassical YogaCollege of Natural NutritionCollins & Barth School of Yoga - BYAComprehensive Yoga FellowshipCosmic Kids YogaCreative Calm - IYNCuddle Professionals International - IPTICYS (Classical Yoga School) - BYAD O'Keeffe t/as SKYDaisy FoundationDeRose MethodDevon School of YogaDRU (UK)Dylan Ayaloo Training Academy - BYADynamic Hot Yoga - BYAEarthereal Holistic Training Academy - IPTIEast Anglia Centre for Alexander TechniqueEast London School of Yoga - BYAEmpowering Children through Yoga - BYAEssential Wellbeing - IPTIEthos - BYAEx-KYTA TeachersFierce GraceFit From WithinFitness on Fire - Hot YogaFrame Academy - BYAFriends of Yoga InternationalFringe Yoga - BYAGemzgemsGitananda Yoga SocietyGood Life Yoga School - BYAGQ&I (A) Yoga TeachersGQ&I (B) Yoga - Link for ChildrenGQ&I (C) Yoga TherapistsGQ&I(B) Care Sure for ChildrenGrace and Presence YogaGroup X Training - REPSHands on Babies - IPTIHanson PilatesHarmonise Training Academy - REPSHarmony Healing - IPTIHartbeepsHartlepool Relaxation GroupHealth & Fitness Education (HFE) - REPSHeather Elton Yoga - BYAHimalayan Institute of YogaHot Bikram Yoga - JOCA Limited t/asHot Power Yoga/ LLIV Training/Dylan Ayaloo AcademyHot Yoga Edinburgh - BYAHot Yoga NewryHouse of Yoga - BYAHoward Carter - IPTIIk Saran Dhian (KYTA School)Indaba - BYAIndependent London Yoga Teachers - BWYIndependent Yoga NetworkIndividual SchemeIndividual Scheme - AIndividual Scheme - BIndividual Scheme - CIndividual Scheme - DIndividual Scheme - EIndividual Scheme - FIndividual Therapist - AIndividual Therapist - BIndividual Therapist - Care-SureIndividual Therapist - CIndividual Therapist - DIndividual Therapist - EIndividual Therapist - FIndividual Yoga - AIndividual Yoga - BIndividual Yoga - CIndividual Yoga - DIndividual Yoga - EIndividual Yoga - FIndividual Yoga TeacherInner Healing School of YogaInner Yoga TrustInspya Yoga - BYAIntegral Yoga UKIntegrated Yoga and Mindfulness - BYAIntegrative Yoga TherapyIntegrity School of Yoga - IYNIPTI Members Additional CoverIPTIIrish Yoga AssociationIt's Yoga - BYAIY (UK) Ltd TraineeIY (UK) LtdJamie YogaJivamukti - BYAJivan Mukta Academy - KYTAJivani Yoga School - BYAJohn Bell Yoga - BYAJohn Scott YogaJyoti Yoga - BYAKali Collective - BYAKaram Kriya (KYTA Training School)KarmatimeKaruna Yoga CentreKevala-trained Yoga TeachersKPJAYIKripalu School of Yoga - BYAKrishnamacharya Healing & Yoga FoundationKriya YogaKundalini Yoga Teachers Assn IrelandKundalini Yoga Teachers' Assn - MembersLeeds Teaching HospitalLian Gong Shi Ba FaLight of Hope CIC - IPTILimitless Yoga - BYALittle Greene YogaLive Love Yoga - BYALKY Yoga - BYALotus Love Yoga - BYALumi Power Yoga - BYALuna Rhythms YogaLush Tums - BYAMahala YogaMamaBabyBliss - IPTIMandala Yoga AshramMargaret De-Petro - IPTIMeadowlark Yoga - BYAMeditationMercia Area Yoga AssociationMeridian Yoga - IYNMetatronia Therapy Foundation of LightMind & Body AcademyMindful HealthMindful Yoga Academy - BYAMindfulness Yoga - Vitor Borges FriaryMini Me YogaMitchy Titch Ltd - IYNMother's Journey (The)Move Better Fitness Academy - IPTIMovEasyMovin MonkeezNartanya Yoga School - BYANatural Healthcare CollegeNaturopathic Nutrition AssociationNCT Trained InstructorsNew Approaches to CancerNew Forest Yoga - IYNNO LONGER IN USE- BYANordic Walking InstructorsNourish Yoga - BYAOkido Natural Health Education Trust LtdOne Yoga - BYAOtherOxfordshire Holistic Training - IPTIPadmasambhavaParampara School of Yoga - BYAParkdale Yoga CentrePatanjali Yog Peeth UK TrustPower Yoga Company (The) - BYAPure YogaPurest Light Healing FoundationQi FitnessQigong TaukRadiant Child Yoga - BYARainbow Light Yoga - BYARainbow Yoga - BYAReal Flow YogaRelax KidsREPs-accredited Yoga TeachersResearch on Yoga in Education UKRESONARevive Yoga Academy - BYARichard Adamo Yoga - BWY TeachersRishikul Yogshala - BYARoary & Friends Yoga Club LtdRu YogaRuyi School of Taijiquan & QigongSadhaka Yoga Centre - BYASadhana Yoga - BYASahej AcademySally Parkes - BYASam Rao Yoga SchoolSamgata YogaSampoorna Yoga - BYASantosha Yoga Training - BYASaraswati Yoga StudioSatyananda Yoga CentreSeasonal Yoga - BYASeven Stars Internal ArtsShakti Dance Teachers AssociationShakti Power Yoga (BYA)Shakti Spirit Yoga (BYA)Shala School of Yoga (The)Shama Yoga - BYAShanti - Care SureShanti Power Yoga - BYAShanti Yoga School Ltd & FMT School LtdShiftShiva Yoga Centre LiverpoolSivananda Trained Yoga TeachersSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre LondonSkills for LifeSoul ExplorerSoul Sanctuary - BYASouthampton Yoga AssociationSpecial Yoga Centre (The)Sport Yoga - BYASri Sri YogaStafford Yoga GroupStaffordshire Yoga FellowshipStar ChildStay Sharp YogaStill Flowing - BYAStress AngelsStretch - BYASun Power YogaSUNIAI - Karam Kriya (KYTA Training School)Sunra Yoga TeachersSurya Yoga LtdTai Chi Centre UKTai Chi NationTai Chi Register (The)Tai Chi Union for Great BritainTatty BumpkinTeach Yoga LtdTeen YogaTEWC Academy - IPTIThe Academy at the Retreat - IPTIThe Refinery School of Yoga - BYATo Baby and BeyondTouch-Learn International Ltd - IPTITree of Life Yoga - BYATri Yoga - BWY TeachersTribe Academy - BYATripsichoreTrue Yoga - BWY TeachersTrusted Touch UK - IPTITrybe Yoga - BYATulip Yoga StudioTYP International - BYAUK Yoga Teachers' NetworkUnion Yoga - BYAUniversal Martial TrainingUniversal Yoga Radstock - IYNVajrasati YogaVictor FoundationVinyasa Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Life - BYAVitality Holistic Massage & Beauty - IPTIVivian Callegaro Yoga Academy - IYNWellbeing In SchoolsWellbeing South WalesWessex Alliance of YogaWhitespace Yoga - BYAWiggleBums / WiggleKidsWindfire YogaWomb YogaYama UK - BYAYFH InstructorsYMCA Fit - Yoga ProfessionalsYoga & Co Academy - BYAYoga AcademyYoga Akasha Training SchoolYoga Alliance - Use BYA INDIVIDUALYoga Ananda - IYNYoga ArtsYoga at SchoolYoga BananasYoga BearsYoga Beez - BYAYoga Biomedical TrustYoga Bromley's Teachers TrainingYoga Campus (Life Centre Group)Yoga Course - BYAYoga Dance KidzYoga Dharma CentreYoga Edge - BYAYoga Farm Trained InstructorsYoga Fellowship NIYoga for Health & Education Trust (YHET)Yoga for Health (B) XFER GQI(A)Yoga for Healthy Lower BacksYoga for the MindYoga Garden (The) - BYAYoga Gro - BYAYoga Haven - BYAYoga Hero - BYAYoga in Daily Life - UKYoga in the Bay - BYAYoga Institute (The)Yoga Life Studio - BYAYoga London Ltd - BYAYoga Mama - BYAYoga Moves 4 KidsYoga of NorthumbriaYoga on the Lane - BYYoga PointYoga ProfessionalsYoga Quota - BYAYoga SanctuaryYoga Satsang Ashram Wales - BYAYoga ScotlandYoga ShalaYoga SquareYoga Therapy & Training Centre (YTTC )Yoga Therapy Ireland - BYAYoga Tree (The) - BYAYoga Venue Oxford - BYAYoga Vidya - BYAYoga West - BYAYoga with DrewYogabase LtdYogaBeezYogaBugsYogaBugs FranchiseeYogakidz Worldwide - BYAYogaloftYogarise - BYAYogasara Studio - IYNYogaveda UKYogolojiYounique Yoga - BYAYummy Yoga Training - BYAYWC Aerial Yoga TrainingZenways - BYAZoom Reiki Please provide details:*CURRENTLY NOT IN USE Is Personal Accident Cover required? YesNo Address: UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Phone number: Email: Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover? YesNo Details of the sixth instructor/therapist: Name: -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity: *CURRENTLY NOT IN USE - select - 121 Urban Hot Yoga - BYAA.A.P.A. :Aromatherapy & Allied Practitioners AssnAbhinja School of Yoga - BYAAcademy for Yoga Training - BYAActive Balance Yoga - BYAActive Birth CentreActive X BacksACY HolidaysAditya Yoga School - BYAAir Control PilatesAkhanda Prakash Yoga AshramAlchemy ASC LimitedAlexander Technique Education UK LtdAll Yoga - BYAAmissi School of YogaAmrit Nam SarovarAmrit Vela (KYTA Training School)Amrita School of YogaAnahata School of YogaAntara Yoga SchoolAnusara YogaAppleyogaAqua - VieAquanauts UK LtdArd Nahoo Yoga School - BYAArfyya YogaArhanta Yoga - BYAArt of LivingAshtanga & Yin Yoga - BYAAssociation for Yoga Studies (aYs) - BWYAthene Holistic Massage and Beauty Training - IPTIAura Wellness Center USAAura Yoga - BYAAuroraStar Holistic Therapies - IPTIAvani Yoga - BYAAwakening Fertility (formerly Qi Yoga)Ayurvedic Practitioners Association (APA)Baby 'n' You - IPTIBahia Yoga - BYABalance BeingBalance YogaBanyan Tree School of Yoga - BYABarefoot Body Training - BYABereavement Counsellors, Trainers & SupervisorsBihar School of Yoga - SatyanandaBikram Yoga BrightonBikram Yoga College of IndiaBikram Yoga London LtdBikram Yoga ManchesterBikram Yoga Trained InstructorsBilinguaSingBirth & Beyond CollectiveBirthlight Trained TeachersBlossom YogaBody Rescue Yoga TrainingBreathing SpaceBridget Woods Kramer School of Yoga (BYA)Bristol City Yoga - BYABritish School of YogaBWY TeachersBYAC YogaCalm For KidsCalmFamilyCAM Yoga TeachersCambridge School of YogaCaroline Garland Yoga - IYNChange Ahead Academy - IPTIChekira Wholistic TrustChessgrove Swim LtdChi Kri YogaChildren Do YogaChildren's Yoga TreeChill Out YogaChrysalis Kids Yoga - IYNCity Lit College Yoga TeachersCity Yoga Coventry - BYAClaire Missingham Vinyasa Flow YogaClaire Weatherley Yoga School - BYAClassical YogaCollege of Natural NutritionCollins & Barth School of Yoga - BYAComprehensive Yoga FellowshipCosmic Kids YogaCreative Calm - IYNCuddle Professionals International - IPTICYS (Classical Yoga School) - BYAD O'Keeffe t/as SKYDaisy FoundationDeRose MethodDevon School of YogaDRU (UK)Dylan Ayaloo Training Academy - BYADynamic Hot Yoga - BYAEarthereal Holistic Training Academy - IPTIEast Anglia Centre for Alexander TechniqueEast London School of Yoga - BYAEmpowering Children through Yoga - BYAEssential Wellbeing - IPTIEthos - BYAEx-KYTA TeachersFierce GraceFit From WithinFitness on Fire - Hot YogaFrame Academy - BYAFriends of Yoga InternationalFringe Yoga - BYAGemzgemsGitananda Yoga SocietyGood Life Yoga School - BYAGQ&I (A) Yoga TeachersGQ&I (B) Yoga - Link for ChildrenGQ&I (C) Yoga TherapistsGQ&I(B) Care Sure for ChildrenGrace and Presence YogaGroup X Training - REPSHands on Babies - IPTIHanson PilatesHarmonise Training Academy - REPSHarmony Healing - IPTIHartbeepsHartlepool Relaxation GroupHealth & Fitness Education (HFE) - REPSHeather Elton Yoga - BYAHimalayan Institute of YogaHot Bikram Yoga - JOCA Limited t/asHot Power Yoga/ LLIV Training/Dylan Ayaloo AcademyHot Yoga Edinburgh - BYAHot Yoga NewryHouse of Yoga - BYAHoward Carter - IPTIIk Saran Dhian (KYTA School)Indaba - BYAIndependent London Yoga Teachers - BWYIndependent Yoga NetworkIndividual SchemeIndividual Scheme - AIndividual Scheme - BIndividual Scheme - CIndividual Scheme - DIndividual Scheme - EIndividual Scheme - FIndividual Therapist - AIndividual Therapist - BIndividual Therapist - Care-SureIndividual Therapist - CIndividual Therapist - DIndividual Therapist - EIndividual Therapist - FIndividual Yoga - AIndividual Yoga - BIndividual Yoga - CIndividual Yoga - DIndividual Yoga - EIndividual Yoga - FIndividual Yoga TeacherInner Healing School of YogaInner Yoga TrustInspya Yoga - BYAIntegral Yoga UKIntegrated Yoga and Mindfulness - BYAIntegrative Yoga TherapyIntegrity School of Yoga - IYNIPTI Members Additional CoverIPTIIrish Yoga AssociationIt's Yoga - BYAIY (UK) Ltd TraineeIY (UK) LtdJamie YogaJivamukti - BYAJivan Mukta Academy - KYTAJivani Yoga School - BYAJohn Bell Yoga - BYAJohn Scott YogaJyoti Yoga - BYAKali Collective - BYAKaram Kriya (KYTA Training School)KarmatimeKaruna Yoga CentreKevala-trained Yoga TeachersKPJAYIKripalu School of Yoga - BYAKrishnamacharya Healing & Yoga FoundationKriya YogaKundalini Yoga Teachers Assn IrelandKundalini Yoga Teachers' Assn - MembersLeeds Teaching HospitalLian Gong Shi Ba FaLight of Hope CIC - IPTILimitless Yoga - BYALittle Greene YogaLive Love Yoga - BYALKY Yoga - BYALotus Love Yoga - BYALumi Power Yoga - BYALuna Rhythms YogaLush Tums - BYAMahala YogaMamaBabyBliss - IPTIMandala Yoga AshramMargaret De-Petro - IPTIMeadowlark Yoga - BYAMeditationMercia Area Yoga AssociationMeridian Yoga - IYNMetatronia Therapy Foundation of LightMind & Body AcademyMindful HealthMindful Yoga Academy - BYAMindfulness Yoga - Vitor Borges FriaryMini Me YogaMitchy Titch Ltd - IYNMother's Journey (The)Move Better Fitness Academy - IPTIMovEasyMovin MonkeezNartanya Yoga School - BYANatural Healthcare CollegeNaturopathic Nutrition AssociationNCT Trained InstructorsNew Approaches to CancerNew Forest Yoga - IYNNO LONGER IN USE- BYANordic Walking InstructorsNourish Yoga - BYAOkido Natural Health Education Trust LtdOne Yoga - BYAOtherOxfordshire Holistic Training - IPTIPadmasambhavaParampara School of Yoga - BYAParkdale Yoga CentrePatanjali Yog Peeth UK TrustPower Yoga Company (The) - BYAPure YogaPurest Light Healing FoundationQi FitnessQigong TaukRadiant Child Yoga - BYARainbow Light Yoga - BYARainbow Yoga - BYAReal Flow YogaRelax KidsREPs-accredited Yoga TeachersResearch on Yoga in Education UKRESONARevive Yoga Academy - BYARichard Adamo Yoga - BWY TeachersRishikul Yogshala - BYARoary & Friends Yoga Club LtdRu YogaRuyi School of Taijiquan & QigongSadhaka Yoga Centre - BYASadhana Yoga - BYASahej AcademySally Parkes - BYASam Rao Yoga SchoolSamgata YogaSampoorna Yoga - BYASantosha Yoga Training - BYASaraswati Yoga StudioSatyananda Yoga CentreSeasonal Yoga - BYASeven Stars Internal ArtsShakti Dance Teachers AssociationShakti Power Yoga (BYA)Shakti Spirit Yoga (BYA)Shala School of Yoga (The)Shama Yoga - BYAShanti - Care SureShanti Power Yoga - BYAShanti Yoga School Ltd & FMT School LtdShiftShiva Yoga Centre LiverpoolSivananda Trained Yoga TeachersSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre LondonSkills for LifeSoul ExplorerSoul Sanctuary - BYASouthampton Yoga AssociationSpecial Yoga Centre (The)Sport Yoga - BYASri Sri YogaStafford Yoga GroupStaffordshire Yoga FellowshipStar ChildStay Sharp YogaStill Flowing - BYAStress AngelsStretch - BYASun Power YogaSUNIAI - Karam Kriya (KYTA Training School)Sunra Yoga TeachersSurya Yoga LtdTai Chi Centre UKTai Chi NationTai Chi Register (The)Tai Chi Union for Great BritainTatty BumpkinTeach Yoga LtdTeen YogaTEWC Academy - IPTIThe Academy at the Retreat - IPTIThe Refinery School of Yoga - BYATo Baby and BeyondTouch-Learn International Ltd - IPTITree of Life Yoga - BYATri Yoga - BWY TeachersTribe Academy - BYATripsichoreTrue Yoga - BWY TeachersTrusted Touch UK - IPTITrybe Yoga - BYATulip Yoga StudioTYP International - BYAUK Yoga Teachers' NetworkUnion Yoga - BYAUniversal Martial TrainingUniversal Yoga Radstock - IYNVajrasati YogaVictor FoundationVinyasa Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Life - BYAVitality Holistic Massage & Beauty - IPTIVivian Callegaro Yoga Academy - IYNWellbeing In SchoolsWellbeing South WalesWessex Alliance of YogaWhitespace Yoga - BYAWiggleBums / WiggleKidsWindfire YogaWomb YogaYama UK - BYAYFH InstructorsYMCA Fit - Yoga ProfessionalsYoga & Co Academy - BYAYoga AcademyYoga Akasha Training SchoolYoga Alliance - Use BYA INDIVIDUALYoga Ananda - IYNYoga ArtsYoga at SchoolYoga BananasYoga BearsYoga Beez - BYAYoga Biomedical TrustYoga Bromley's Teachers TrainingYoga Campus (Life Centre Group)Yoga Course - BYAYoga Dance KidzYoga Dharma CentreYoga Edge - BYAYoga Farm Trained InstructorsYoga Fellowship NIYoga for Health & Education Trust (YHET)Yoga for Health (B) XFER GQI(A)Yoga for Healthy Lower BacksYoga for the MindYoga Garden (The) - BYAYoga Gro - BYAYoga Haven - BYAYoga Hero - BYAYoga in Daily Life - UKYoga in the Bay - BYAYoga Institute (The)Yoga Life Studio - BYAYoga London Ltd - BYAYoga Mama - BYAYoga Moves 4 KidsYoga of NorthumbriaYoga on the Lane - BYYoga PointYoga ProfessionalsYoga Quota - BYAYoga SanctuaryYoga Satsang Ashram Wales - BYAYoga ScotlandYoga ShalaYoga SquareYoga Therapy & Training Centre (YTTC )Yoga Therapy Ireland - BYAYoga Tree (The) - BYAYoga Venue Oxford - BYAYoga Vidya - BYAYoga West - BYAYoga with DrewYogabase LtdYogaBeezYogaBugsYogaBugs FranchiseeYogakidz Worldwide - BYAYogaloftYogarise - BYAYogasara Studio - IYNYogaveda UKYogolojiYounique Yoga - BYAYummy Yoga Training - BYAYWC Aerial Yoga TrainingZenways - BYAZoom Reiki Please provide details:*CURRENTLY NOT IN USE Is Personal Accident Cover required? YesNo Address: UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Phone number: Email: Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover? YesNo Details of the seventh instructor/therapist: Name: -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity: *CURRENTLY NOT IN USE - select - 121 Urban Hot Yoga - BYAA.A.P.A. :Aromatherapy & Allied Practitioners AssnAbhinja School of Yoga - BYAAcademy for Yoga Training - BYAActive Balance Yoga - BYAActive Birth CentreActive X BacksACY HolidaysAditya Yoga School - BYAAir Control PilatesAkhanda Prakash Yoga AshramAlchemy ASC LimitedAlexander Technique Education UK LtdAll Yoga - BYAAmissi School of YogaAmrit Nam SarovarAmrit Vela (KYTA Training School)Amrita School of YogaAnahata School of YogaAntara Yoga SchoolAnusara YogaAppleyogaAqua - VieAquanauts UK LtdArd Nahoo Yoga School - BYAArfyya YogaArhanta Yoga - BYAArt of LivingAshtanga & Yin Yoga - BYAAssociation for Yoga Studies (aYs) - BWYAthene Holistic Massage and Beauty Training - IPTIAura Wellness Center USAAura Yoga - BYAAuroraStar Holistic Therapies - IPTIAvani Yoga - BYAAwakening Fertility (formerly Qi Yoga)Ayurvedic Practitioners Association (APA)Baby 'n' You - IPTIBahia Yoga - BYABalance BeingBalance YogaBanyan Tree School of Yoga - BYABarefoot Body Training - BYABereavement Counsellors, Trainers & SupervisorsBihar School of Yoga - SatyanandaBikram Yoga BrightonBikram Yoga College of IndiaBikram Yoga London LtdBikram Yoga ManchesterBikram Yoga Trained InstructorsBilinguaSingBirth & Beyond CollectiveBirthlight Trained TeachersBlossom YogaBody Rescue Yoga TrainingBreathing SpaceBridget Woods Kramer School of Yoga (BYA)Bristol City Yoga - BYABritish School of YogaBWY TeachersBYAC YogaCalm For KidsCalmFamilyCAM Yoga TeachersCambridge School of YogaCaroline Garland Yoga - IYNChange Ahead Academy - IPTIChekira Wholistic TrustChessgrove Swim LtdChi Kri YogaChildren Do YogaChildren's Yoga TreeChill Out YogaChrysalis Kids Yoga - IYNCity Lit College Yoga TeachersCity Yoga Coventry - BYAClaire Missingham Vinyasa Flow YogaClaire Weatherley Yoga School - BYAClassical YogaCollege of Natural NutritionCollins & Barth School of Yoga - BYAComprehensive Yoga FellowshipCosmic Kids YogaCreative Calm - IYNCuddle Professionals International - IPTICYS (Classical Yoga School) - BYAD O'Keeffe t/as SKYDaisy FoundationDeRose MethodDevon School of YogaDRU (UK)Dylan Ayaloo Training Academy - BYADynamic Hot Yoga - BYAEarthereal Holistic Training Academy - IPTIEast Anglia Centre for Alexander TechniqueEast London School of Yoga - BYAEmpowering Children through Yoga - BYAEssential Wellbeing - IPTIEthos - BYAEx-KYTA TeachersFierce GraceFit From WithinFitness on Fire - Hot YogaFrame Academy - BYAFriends of Yoga InternationalFringe Yoga - BYAGemzgemsGitananda Yoga SocietyGood Life Yoga School - BYAGQ&I (A) Yoga TeachersGQ&I (B) Yoga - Link for ChildrenGQ&I (C) Yoga TherapistsGQ&I(B) Care Sure for ChildrenGrace and Presence YogaGroup X Training - REPSHands on Babies - IPTIHanson PilatesHarmonise Training Academy - REPSHarmony Healing - IPTIHartbeepsHartlepool Relaxation GroupHealth & Fitness Education (HFE) - REPSHeather Elton Yoga - BYAHimalayan Institute of YogaHot Bikram Yoga - JOCA Limited t/asHot Power Yoga/ LLIV Training/Dylan Ayaloo AcademyHot Yoga Edinburgh - BYAHot Yoga NewryHouse of Yoga - BYAHoward Carter - IPTIIk Saran Dhian (KYTA School)Indaba - BYAIndependent London Yoga Teachers - BWYIndependent Yoga NetworkIndividual SchemeIndividual Scheme - AIndividual Scheme - BIndividual Scheme - CIndividual Scheme - DIndividual Scheme - EIndividual Scheme - FIndividual Therapist - AIndividual Therapist - BIndividual Therapist - Care-SureIndividual Therapist - CIndividual Therapist - DIndividual Therapist - EIndividual Therapist - FIndividual Yoga - AIndividual Yoga - BIndividual Yoga - CIndividual Yoga - DIndividual Yoga - EIndividual Yoga - FIndividual Yoga TeacherInner Healing School of YogaInner Yoga TrustInspya Yoga - BYAIntegral Yoga UKIntegrated Yoga and Mindfulness - BYAIntegrative Yoga TherapyIntegrity School of Yoga - IYNIPTI Members Additional CoverIPTIIrish Yoga AssociationIt's Yoga - BYAIY (UK) Ltd TraineeIY (UK) LtdJamie YogaJivamukti - BYAJivan Mukta Academy - KYTAJivani Yoga School - BYAJohn Bell Yoga - BYAJohn Scott YogaJyoti Yoga - BYAKali Collective - BYAKaram Kriya (KYTA Training School)KarmatimeKaruna Yoga CentreKevala-trained Yoga TeachersKPJAYIKripalu School of Yoga - BYAKrishnamacharya Healing & Yoga FoundationKriya YogaKundalini Yoga Teachers Assn IrelandKundalini Yoga Teachers' Assn - MembersLeeds Teaching HospitalLian Gong Shi Ba FaLight of Hope CIC - IPTILimitless Yoga - BYALittle Greene YogaLive Love Yoga - BYALKY Yoga - BYALotus Love Yoga - BYALumi Power Yoga - BYALuna Rhythms YogaLush Tums - BYAMahala YogaMamaBabyBliss - IPTIMandala Yoga AshramMargaret De-Petro - IPTIMeadowlark Yoga - BYAMeditationMercia Area Yoga AssociationMeridian Yoga - IYNMetatronia Therapy Foundation of LightMind & Body AcademyMindful HealthMindful Yoga Academy - BYAMindfulness Yoga - Vitor Borges FriaryMini Me YogaMitchy Titch Ltd - IYNMother's Journey (The)Move Better Fitness Academy - IPTIMovEasyMovin MonkeezNartanya Yoga School - BYANatural Healthcare CollegeNaturopathic Nutrition AssociationNCT Trained InstructorsNew Approaches to CancerNew Forest Yoga - IYNNO LONGER IN USE- BYANordic Walking InstructorsNourish Yoga - BYAOkido Natural Health Education Trust LtdOne Yoga - BYAOtherOxfordshire Holistic Training - IPTIPadmasambhavaParampara School of Yoga - BYAParkdale Yoga CentrePatanjali Yog Peeth UK TrustPower Yoga Company (The) - BYAPure YogaPurest Light Healing FoundationQi FitnessQigong TaukRadiant Child Yoga - BYARainbow Light Yoga - BYARainbow Yoga - BYAReal Flow YogaRelax KidsREPs-accredited Yoga TeachersResearch on Yoga in Education UKRESONARevive Yoga Academy - BYARichard Adamo Yoga - BWY TeachersRishikul Yogshala - BYARoary & Friends Yoga Club LtdRu YogaRuyi School of Taijiquan & QigongSadhaka Yoga Centre - BYASadhana Yoga - BYASahej AcademySally Parkes - BYASam Rao Yoga SchoolSamgata YogaSampoorna Yoga - BYASantosha Yoga Training - BYASaraswati Yoga StudioSatyananda Yoga CentreSeasonal Yoga - BYASeven Stars Internal ArtsShakti Dance Teachers AssociationShakti Power Yoga (BYA)Shakti Spirit Yoga (BYA)Shala School of Yoga (The)Shama Yoga - BYAShanti - Care SureShanti Power Yoga - BYAShanti Yoga School Ltd & FMT School LtdShiftShiva Yoga Centre LiverpoolSivananda Trained Yoga TeachersSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre LondonSkills for LifeSoul ExplorerSoul Sanctuary - BYASouthampton Yoga AssociationSpecial Yoga Centre (The)Sport Yoga - BYASri Sri YogaStafford Yoga GroupStaffordshire Yoga FellowshipStar ChildStay Sharp YogaStill Flowing - BYAStress AngelsStretch - BYASun Power YogaSUNIAI - Karam Kriya (KYTA Training School)Sunra Yoga TeachersSurya Yoga LtdTai Chi Centre UKTai Chi NationTai Chi Register (The)Tai Chi Union for Great BritainTatty BumpkinTeach Yoga LtdTeen YogaTEWC Academy - IPTIThe Academy at the Retreat - IPTIThe Refinery School of Yoga - BYATo Baby and BeyondTouch-Learn International Ltd - IPTITree of Life Yoga - BYATri Yoga - BWY TeachersTribe Academy - BYATripsichoreTrue Yoga - BWY TeachersTrusted Touch UK - IPTITrybe Yoga - BYATulip Yoga StudioTYP International - BYAUK Yoga Teachers' NetworkUnion Yoga - BYAUniversal Martial TrainingUniversal Yoga Radstock - IYNVajrasati YogaVictor FoundationVinyasa Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Life - BYAVitality Holistic Massage & Beauty - IPTIVivian Callegaro Yoga Academy - IYNWellbeing In SchoolsWellbeing South WalesWessex Alliance of YogaWhitespace Yoga - BYAWiggleBums / WiggleKidsWindfire YogaWomb YogaYama UK - BYAYFH InstructorsYMCA Fit - Yoga ProfessionalsYoga & Co Academy - BYAYoga AcademyYoga Akasha Training SchoolYoga Alliance - Use BYA INDIVIDUALYoga Ananda - IYNYoga ArtsYoga at SchoolYoga BananasYoga BearsYoga Beez - BYAYoga Biomedical TrustYoga Bromley's Teachers TrainingYoga Campus (Life Centre Group)Yoga Course - BYAYoga Dance KidzYoga Dharma CentreYoga Edge - BYAYoga Farm Trained InstructorsYoga Fellowship NIYoga for Health & Education Trust (YHET)Yoga for Health (B) XFER GQI(A)Yoga for Healthy Lower BacksYoga for the MindYoga Garden (The) - BYAYoga Gro - BYAYoga Haven - BYAYoga Hero - BYAYoga in Daily Life - UKYoga in the Bay - BYAYoga Institute (The)Yoga Life Studio - BYAYoga London Ltd - BYAYoga Mama - BYAYoga Moves 4 KidsYoga of NorthumbriaYoga on the Lane - BYYoga PointYoga ProfessionalsYoga Quota - BYAYoga SanctuaryYoga Satsang Ashram Wales - BYAYoga ScotlandYoga ShalaYoga SquareYoga Therapy & Training Centre (YTTC )Yoga Therapy Ireland - BYAYoga Tree (The) - BYAYoga Venue Oxford - BYAYoga Vidya - BYAYoga West - BYAYoga with DrewYogabase LtdYogaBeezYogaBugsYogaBugs FranchiseeYogakidz Worldwide - BYAYogaloftYogarise - BYAYogasara Studio - IYNYogaveda UKYogolojiYounique Yoga - BYAYummy Yoga Training - BYAYWC Aerial Yoga TrainingZenways - BYAZoom Reiki Please provide details:*CURRENTLY NOT IN USE Is Personal Accident Cover required? YesNo Address: UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Phone number: Email: Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover? YesNo Details of the eighth instructor/therapist: Name: -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity: *CURRENTLY NOT IN USE - select - 121 Urban Hot Yoga - BYAA.A.P.A. :Aromatherapy & Allied Practitioners AssnAbhinja School of Yoga - BYAAcademy for Yoga Training - BYAActive Balance Yoga - BYAActive Birth CentreActive X BacksACY HolidaysAditya Yoga School - BYAAir Control PilatesAkhanda Prakash Yoga AshramAlchemy ASC LimitedAlexander Technique Education UK LtdAll Yoga - BYAAmissi School of YogaAmrit Nam SarovarAmrit Vela (KYTA Training School)Amrita School of YogaAnahata School of YogaAntara Yoga SchoolAnusara YogaAppleyogaAqua - VieAquanauts UK LtdArd Nahoo Yoga School - BYAArfyya YogaArhanta Yoga - BYAArt of LivingAshtanga & Yin Yoga - BYAAssociation for Yoga Studies (aYs) - BWYAthene Holistic Massage and Beauty Training - IPTIAura Wellness Center USAAura Yoga - BYAAuroraStar Holistic Therapies - IPTIAvani Yoga - BYAAwakening Fertility (formerly Qi Yoga)Ayurvedic Practitioners Association (APA)Baby 'n' You - IPTIBahia Yoga - BYABalance BeingBalance YogaBanyan Tree School of Yoga - BYABarefoot Body Training - BYABereavement Counsellors, Trainers & SupervisorsBihar School of Yoga - SatyanandaBikram Yoga BrightonBikram Yoga College of IndiaBikram Yoga London LtdBikram Yoga ManchesterBikram Yoga Trained InstructorsBilinguaSingBirth & Beyond CollectiveBirthlight Trained TeachersBlossom YogaBody Rescue Yoga TrainingBreathing SpaceBridget Woods Kramer School of Yoga (BYA)Bristol City Yoga - BYABritish School of YogaBWY TeachersBYAC YogaCalm For KidsCalmFamilyCAM Yoga TeachersCambridge School of YogaCaroline Garland Yoga - IYNChange Ahead Academy - IPTIChekira Wholistic TrustChessgrove Swim LtdChi Kri YogaChildren Do YogaChildren's Yoga TreeChill Out YogaChrysalis Kids Yoga - IYNCity Lit College Yoga TeachersCity Yoga Coventry - BYAClaire Missingham Vinyasa Flow YogaClaire Weatherley Yoga School - BYAClassical YogaCollege of Natural NutritionCollins & Barth School of Yoga - BYAComprehensive Yoga FellowshipCosmic Kids YogaCreative Calm - IYNCuddle Professionals International - IPTICYS (Classical Yoga School) - BYAD O'Keeffe t/as SKYDaisy FoundationDeRose MethodDevon School of YogaDRU (UK)Dylan Ayaloo Training Academy - BYADynamic Hot Yoga - BYAEarthereal Holistic Training Academy - IPTIEast Anglia Centre for Alexander TechniqueEast London School of Yoga - BYAEmpowering Children through Yoga - BYAEssential Wellbeing - IPTIEthos - BYAEx-KYTA TeachersFierce GraceFit From WithinFitness on Fire - Hot YogaFrame Academy - BYAFriends of Yoga InternationalFringe Yoga - BYAGemzgemsGitananda Yoga SocietyGood Life Yoga School - BYAGQ&I (A) Yoga TeachersGQ&I (B) Yoga - Link for ChildrenGQ&I (C) Yoga TherapistsGQ&I(B) Care Sure for ChildrenGrace and Presence YogaGroup X Training - REPSHands on Babies - IPTIHanson PilatesHarmonise Training Academy - REPSHarmony Healing - IPTIHartbeepsHartlepool Relaxation GroupHealth & Fitness Education (HFE) - REPSHeather Elton Yoga - BYAHimalayan Institute of YogaHot Bikram Yoga - JOCA Limited t/asHot Power Yoga/ LLIV Training/Dylan Ayaloo AcademyHot Yoga Edinburgh - BYAHot Yoga NewryHouse of Yoga - BYAHoward Carter - IPTIIk Saran Dhian (KYTA School)Indaba - BYAIndependent London Yoga Teachers - BWYIndependent Yoga NetworkIndividual SchemeIndividual Scheme - AIndividual Scheme - BIndividual Scheme - CIndividual Scheme - DIndividual Scheme - EIndividual Scheme - FIndividual Therapist - AIndividual Therapist - BIndividual Therapist - Care-SureIndividual Therapist - CIndividual Therapist - DIndividual Therapist - EIndividual Therapist - FIndividual Yoga - AIndividual Yoga - BIndividual Yoga - CIndividual Yoga - DIndividual Yoga - EIndividual Yoga - FIndividual Yoga TeacherInner Healing School of YogaInner Yoga TrustInspya Yoga - BYAIntegral Yoga UKIntegrated Yoga and Mindfulness - BYAIntegrative Yoga TherapyIntegrity School of Yoga - IYNIPTI Members Additional CoverIPTIIrish Yoga AssociationIt's Yoga - BYAIY (UK) Ltd TraineeIY (UK) LtdJamie YogaJivamukti - BYAJivan Mukta Academy - KYTAJivani Yoga School - BYAJohn Bell Yoga - BYAJohn Scott YogaJyoti Yoga - BYAKali Collective - BYAKaram Kriya (KYTA Training School)KarmatimeKaruna Yoga CentreKevala-trained Yoga TeachersKPJAYIKripalu School of Yoga - BYAKrishnamacharya Healing & Yoga FoundationKriya YogaKundalini Yoga Teachers Assn IrelandKundalini Yoga Teachers' Assn - MembersLeeds Teaching HospitalLian Gong Shi Ba FaLight of Hope CIC - IPTILimitless Yoga - BYALittle Greene YogaLive Love Yoga - BYALKY Yoga - BYALotus Love Yoga - BYALumi Power Yoga - BYALuna Rhythms YogaLush Tums - BYAMahala YogaMamaBabyBliss - IPTIMandala Yoga AshramMargaret De-Petro - IPTIMeadowlark Yoga - BYAMeditationMercia Area Yoga AssociationMeridian Yoga - IYNMetatronia Therapy Foundation of LightMind & Body AcademyMindful HealthMindful Yoga Academy - BYAMindfulness Yoga - Vitor Borges FriaryMini Me YogaMitchy Titch Ltd - IYNMother's Journey (The)Move Better Fitness Academy - IPTIMovEasyMovin MonkeezNartanya Yoga School - BYANatural Healthcare CollegeNaturopathic Nutrition AssociationNCT Trained InstructorsNew Approaches to CancerNew Forest Yoga - IYNNO LONGER IN USE- BYANordic Walking InstructorsNourish Yoga - BYAOkido Natural Health Education Trust LtdOne Yoga - BYAOtherOxfordshire Holistic Training - IPTIPadmasambhavaParampara School of Yoga - BYAParkdale Yoga CentrePatanjali Yog Peeth UK TrustPower Yoga Company (The) - BYAPure YogaPurest Light Healing FoundationQi FitnessQigong TaukRadiant Child Yoga - BYARainbow Light Yoga - BYARainbow Yoga - BYAReal Flow YogaRelax KidsREPs-accredited Yoga TeachersResearch on Yoga in Education UKRESONARevive Yoga Academy - BYARichard Adamo Yoga - BWY TeachersRishikul Yogshala - BYARoary & Friends Yoga Club LtdRu YogaRuyi School of Taijiquan & QigongSadhaka Yoga Centre - BYASadhana Yoga - BYASahej AcademySally Parkes - BYASam Rao Yoga SchoolSamgata YogaSampoorna Yoga - BYASantosha Yoga Training - BYASaraswati Yoga StudioSatyananda Yoga CentreSeasonal Yoga - BYASeven Stars Internal ArtsShakti Dance Teachers AssociationShakti Power Yoga (BYA)Shakti Spirit Yoga (BYA)Shala School of Yoga (The)Shama Yoga - BYAShanti - Care SureShanti Power Yoga - BYAShanti Yoga School Ltd & FMT School LtdShiftShiva Yoga Centre LiverpoolSivananda Trained Yoga TeachersSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre LondonSkills for LifeSoul ExplorerSoul Sanctuary - BYASouthampton Yoga AssociationSpecial Yoga Centre (The)Sport Yoga - BYASri Sri YogaStafford Yoga GroupStaffordshire Yoga FellowshipStar ChildStay Sharp YogaStill Flowing - BYAStress AngelsStretch - BYASun Power YogaSUNIAI - Karam Kriya (KYTA Training School)Sunra Yoga TeachersSurya Yoga LtdTai Chi Centre UKTai Chi NationTai Chi Register (The)Tai Chi Union for Great BritainTatty BumpkinTeach Yoga LtdTeen YogaTEWC Academy - IPTIThe Academy at the Retreat - IPTIThe Refinery School of Yoga - BYATo Baby and BeyondTouch-Learn International Ltd - IPTITree of Life Yoga - BYATri Yoga - BWY TeachersTribe Academy - BYATripsichoreTrue Yoga - BWY TeachersTrusted Touch UK - IPTITrybe Yoga - BYATulip Yoga StudioTYP International - BYAUK Yoga Teachers' NetworkUnion Yoga - BYAUniversal Martial TrainingUniversal Yoga Radstock - IYNVajrasati YogaVictor FoundationVinyasa Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Life - BYAVitality Holistic Massage & Beauty - IPTIVivian Callegaro Yoga Academy - IYNWellbeing In SchoolsWellbeing South WalesWessex Alliance of YogaWhitespace Yoga - BYAWiggleBums / WiggleKidsWindfire YogaWomb YogaYama UK - BYAYFH InstructorsYMCA Fit - Yoga ProfessionalsYoga & Co Academy - BYAYoga AcademyYoga Akasha Training SchoolYoga Alliance - Use BYA INDIVIDUALYoga Ananda - IYNYoga ArtsYoga at SchoolYoga BananasYoga BearsYoga Beez - BYAYoga Biomedical TrustYoga Bromley's Teachers TrainingYoga Campus (Life Centre Group)Yoga Course - BYAYoga Dance KidzYoga Dharma CentreYoga Edge - BYAYoga Farm Trained InstructorsYoga Fellowship NIYoga for Health & Education Trust (YHET)Yoga for Health (B) XFER GQI(A)Yoga for Healthy Lower BacksYoga for the MindYoga Garden (The) - BYAYoga Gro - BYAYoga Haven - BYAYoga Hero - BYAYoga in Daily Life - UKYoga in the Bay - BYAYoga Institute (The)Yoga Life Studio - BYAYoga London Ltd - BYAYoga Mama - BYAYoga Moves 4 KidsYoga of NorthumbriaYoga on the Lane - BYYoga PointYoga ProfessionalsYoga Quota - BYAYoga SanctuaryYoga Satsang Ashram Wales - BYAYoga ScotlandYoga ShalaYoga SquareYoga Therapy & Training Centre (YTTC )Yoga Therapy Ireland - BYAYoga Tree (The) - BYAYoga Venue Oxford - BYAYoga Vidya - BYAYoga West - BYAYoga with DrewYogabase LtdYogaBeezYogaBugsYogaBugs FranchiseeYogakidz Worldwide - BYAYogaloftYogarise - BYAYogasara Studio - IYNYogaveda UKYogolojiYounique Yoga - BYAYummy Yoga Training - BYAYWC Aerial Yoga TrainingZenways - BYAZoom Reiki Please provide details:*CURRENTLY NOT IN USE Is Personal Accident Cover required? YesNo Address: UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Phone number: Email: Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover? YesNo Details of the ninth instructor/therapist: Name: -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity: *CURRENTLY NOT IN USE - select - 121 Urban Hot Yoga - BYAA.A.P.A. :Aromatherapy & Allied Practitioners AssnAbhinja School of Yoga - BYAAcademy for Yoga Training - BYAActive Balance Yoga - BYAActive Birth CentreActive X BacksACY HolidaysAditya Yoga School - BYAAir Control PilatesAkhanda Prakash Yoga AshramAlchemy ASC LimitedAlexander Technique Education UK LtdAll Yoga - BYAAmissi School of YogaAmrit Nam SarovarAmrit Vela (KYTA Training School)Amrita School of YogaAnahata School of YogaAntara Yoga SchoolAnusara YogaAppleyogaAqua - VieAquanauts UK LtdArd Nahoo Yoga School - BYAArfyya YogaArhanta Yoga - BYAArt of LivingAshtanga & Yin Yoga - BYAAssociation for Yoga Studies (aYs) - BWYAthene Holistic Massage and Beauty Training - IPTIAura Wellness Center USAAura Yoga - BYAAuroraStar Holistic Therapies - IPTIAvani Yoga - BYAAwakening Fertility (formerly Qi Yoga)Ayurvedic Practitioners Association (APA)Baby 'n' You - IPTIBahia Yoga - BYABalance BeingBalance YogaBanyan Tree School of Yoga - BYABarefoot Body Training - BYABereavement Counsellors, Trainers & SupervisorsBihar School of Yoga - SatyanandaBikram Yoga BrightonBikram Yoga College of IndiaBikram Yoga London LtdBikram Yoga ManchesterBikram Yoga Trained InstructorsBilinguaSingBirth & Beyond CollectiveBirthlight Trained TeachersBlossom YogaBody Rescue Yoga TrainingBreathing SpaceBridget Woods Kramer School of Yoga (BYA)Bristol City Yoga - BYABritish School of YogaBWY TeachersBYAC YogaCalm For KidsCalmFamilyCAM Yoga TeachersCambridge School of YogaCaroline Garland Yoga - IYNChange Ahead Academy - IPTIChekira Wholistic TrustChessgrove Swim LtdChi Kri YogaChildren Do YogaChildren's Yoga TreeChill Out YogaChrysalis Kids Yoga - IYNCity Lit College Yoga TeachersCity Yoga Coventry - BYAClaire Missingham Vinyasa Flow YogaClaire Weatherley Yoga School - BYAClassical YogaCollege of Natural NutritionCollins & Barth School of Yoga - BYAComprehensive Yoga FellowshipCosmic Kids YogaCreative Calm - IYNCuddle Professionals International - IPTICYS (Classical Yoga School) - BYAD O'Keeffe t/as SKYDaisy FoundationDeRose MethodDevon School of YogaDRU (UK)Dylan Ayaloo Training Academy - BYADynamic Hot Yoga - BYAEarthereal Holistic Training Academy - IPTIEast Anglia Centre for Alexander TechniqueEast London School of Yoga - BYAEmpowering Children through Yoga - BYAEssential Wellbeing - IPTIEthos - BYAEx-KYTA TeachersFierce GraceFit From WithinFitness on Fire - Hot YogaFrame Academy - BYAFriends of Yoga InternationalFringe Yoga - BYAGemzgemsGitananda Yoga SocietyGood Life Yoga School - BYAGQ&I (A) Yoga TeachersGQ&I (B) Yoga - Link for ChildrenGQ&I (C) Yoga TherapistsGQ&I(B) Care Sure for ChildrenGrace and Presence YogaGroup X Training - REPSHands on Babies - IPTIHanson PilatesHarmonise Training Academy - REPSHarmony Healing - IPTIHartbeepsHartlepool Relaxation GroupHealth & Fitness Education (HFE) - REPSHeather Elton Yoga - BYAHimalayan Institute of YogaHot Bikram Yoga - JOCA Limited t/asHot Power Yoga/ LLIV Training/Dylan Ayaloo AcademyHot Yoga Edinburgh - BYAHot Yoga NewryHouse of Yoga - BYAHoward Carter - IPTIIk Saran Dhian (KYTA School)Indaba - BYAIndependent London Yoga Teachers - BWYIndependent Yoga NetworkIndividual SchemeIndividual Scheme - AIndividual Scheme - BIndividual Scheme - CIndividual Scheme - DIndividual Scheme - EIndividual Scheme - FIndividual Therapist - AIndividual Therapist - BIndividual Therapist - Care-SureIndividual Therapist - CIndividual Therapist - DIndividual Therapist - EIndividual Therapist - FIndividual Yoga - AIndividual Yoga - BIndividual Yoga - CIndividual Yoga - DIndividual Yoga - EIndividual Yoga - FIndividual Yoga TeacherInner Healing School of YogaInner Yoga TrustInspya Yoga - BYAIntegral Yoga UKIntegrated Yoga and Mindfulness - BYAIntegrative Yoga TherapyIntegrity School of Yoga - IYNIPTI Members Additional CoverIPTIIrish Yoga AssociationIt's Yoga - BYAIY (UK) Ltd TraineeIY (UK) LtdJamie YogaJivamukti - BYAJivan Mukta Academy - KYTAJivani Yoga School - BYAJohn Bell Yoga - BYAJohn Scott YogaJyoti Yoga - BYAKali Collective - BYAKaram Kriya (KYTA Training School)KarmatimeKaruna Yoga CentreKevala-trained Yoga TeachersKPJAYIKripalu School of Yoga - BYAKrishnamacharya Healing & Yoga FoundationKriya YogaKundalini Yoga Teachers Assn IrelandKundalini Yoga Teachers' Assn - MembersLeeds Teaching HospitalLian Gong Shi Ba FaLight of Hope CIC - IPTILimitless Yoga - BYALittle Greene YogaLive Love Yoga - BYALKY Yoga - BYALotus Love Yoga - BYALumi Power Yoga - BYALuna Rhythms YogaLush Tums - BYAMahala YogaMamaBabyBliss - IPTIMandala Yoga AshramMargaret De-Petro - IPTIMeadowlark Yoga - BYAMeditationMercia Area Yoga AssociationMeridian Yoga - IYNMetatronia Therapy Foundation of LightMind & Body AcademyMindful HealthMindful Yoga Academy - BYAMindfulness Yoga - Vitor Borges FriaryMini Me YogaMitchy Titch Ltd - IYNMother's Journey (The)Move Better Fitness Academy - IPTIMovEasyMovin MonkeezNartanya Yoga School - BYANatural Healthcare CollegeNaturopathic Nutrition AssociationNCT Trained InstructorsNew Approaches to CancerNew Forest Yoga - IYNNO LONGER IN USE- BYANordic Walking InstructorsNourish Yoga - BYAOkido Natural Health Education Trust LtdOne Yoga - BYAOtherOxfordshire Holistic Training - IPTIPadmasambhavaParampara School of Yoga - BYAParkdale Yoga CentrePatanjali Yog Peeth UK TrustPower Yoga Company (The) - BYAPure YogaPurest Light Healing FoundationQi FitnessQigong TaukRadiant Child Yoga - BYARainbow Light Yoga - BYARainbow Yoga - BYAReal Flow YogaRelax KidsREPs-accredited Yoga TeachersResearch on Yoga in Education UKRESONARevive Yoga Academy - BYARichard Adamo Yoga - BWY TeachersRishikul Yogshala - BYARoary & Friends Yoga Club LtdRu YogaRuyi School of Taijiquan & QigongSadhaka Yoga Centre - BYASadhana Yoga - BYASahej AcademySally Parkes - BYASam Rao Yoga SchoolSamgata YogaSampoorna Yoga - BYASantosha Yoga Training - BYASaraswati Yoga StudioSatyananda Yoga CentreSeasonal Yoga - BYASeven Stars Internal ArtsShakti Dance Teachers AssociationShakti Power Yoga (BYA)Shakti Spirit Yoga (BYA)Shala School of Yoga (The)Shama Yoga - BYAShanti - Care SureShanti Power Yoga - BYAShanti Yoga School Ltd & FMT School LtdShiftShiva Yoga Centre LiverpoolSivananda Trained Yoga TeachersSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre LondonSkills for LifeSoul ExplorerSoul Sanctuary - BYASouthampton Yoga AssociationSpecial Yoga Centre (The)Sport Yoga - BYASri Sri YogaStafford Yoga GroupStaffordshire Yoga FellowshipStar ChildStay Sharp YogaStill Flowing - BYAStress AngelsStretch - BYASun Power YogaSUNIAI - Karam Kriya (KYTA Training School)Sunra Yoga TeachersSurya Yoga LtdTai Chi Centre UKTai Chi NationTai Chi Register (The)Tai Chi Union for Great BritainTatty BumpkinTeach Yoga LtdTeen YogaTEWC Academy - IPTIThe Academy at the Retreat - IPTIThe Refinery School of Yoga - BYATo Baby and BeyondTouch-Learn International Ltd - IPTITree of Life Yoga - BYATri Yoga - BWY TeachersTribe Academy - BYATripsichoreTrue Yoga - BWY TeachersTrusted Touch UK - IPTITrybe Yoga - BYATulip Yoga StudioTYP International - BYAUK Yoga Teachers' NetworkUnion Yoga - BYAUniversal Martial TrainingUniversal Yoga Radstock - IYNVajrasati YogaVictor FoundationVinyasa Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Life - BYAVitality Holistic Massage & Beauty - IPTIVivian Callegaro Yoga Academy - IYNWellbeing In SchoolsWellbeing South WalesWessex Alliance of YogaWhitespace Yoga - BYAWiggleBums / WiggleKidsWindfire YogaWomb YogaYama UK - BYAYFH InstructorsYMCA Fit - Yoga ProfessionalsYoga & Co Academy - BYAYoga AcademyYoga Akasha Training SchoolYoga Alliance - Use BYA INDIVIDUALYoga Ananda - IYNYoga ArtsYoga at SchoolYoga BananasYoga BearsYoga Beez - BYAYoga Biomedical TrustYoga Bromley's Teachers TrainingYoga Campus (Life Centre Group)Yoga Course - BYAYoga Dance KidzYoga Dharma CentreYoga Edge - BYAYoga Farm Trained InstructorsYoga Fellowship NIYoga for Health & Education Trust (YHET)Yoga for Health (B) XFER GQI(A)Yoga for Healthy Lower BacksYoga for the MindYoga Garden (The) - BYAYoga Gro - BYAYoga Haven - BYAYoga Hero - BYAYoga in Daily Life - UKYoga in the Bay - BYAYoga Institute (The)Yoga Life Studio - BYAYoga London Ltd - BYAYoga Mama - BYAYoga Moves 4 KidsYoga of NorthumbriaYoga on the Lane - BYYoga PointYoga ProfessionalsYoga Quota - BYAYoga SanctuaryYoga Satsang Ashram Wales - BYAYoga ScotlandYoga ShalaYoga SquareYoga Therapy & Training Centre (YTTC )Yoga Therapy Ireland - BYAYoga Tree (The) - BYAYoga Venue Oxford - BYAYoga Vidya - BYAYoga West - BYAYoga with DrewYogabase LtdYogaBeezYogaBugsYogaBugs FranchiseeYogakidz Worldwide - BYAYogaloftYogarise - BYAYogasara Studio - IYNYogaveda UKYogolojiYounique Yoga - BYAYummy Yoga Training - BYAYWC Aerial Yoga TrainingZenways - BYAZoom Reiki Please provide details:*CURRENTLY NOT IN USE Is Personal Accident Cover required? YesNo Address: UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Phone number: Email: Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover? YesNo Details of the tenth instructor/therapist: Name: -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Please select the Training School/Organisation where you have trained for this activity: *CURRENTLY NOT IN USE - select - 121 Urban Hot Yoga - BYAA.A.P.A. :Aromatherapy & Allied Practitioners AssnAbhinja School of Yoga - BYAAcademy for Yoga Training - BYAActive Balance Yoga - BYAActive Birth CentreActive X BacksACY HolidaysAditya Yoga School - BYAAir Control PilatesAkhanda Prakash Yoga AshramAlchemy ASC LimitedAlexander Technique Education UK LtdAll Yoga - BYAAmissi School of YogaAmrit Nam SarovarAmrit Vela (KYTA Training School)Amrita School of YogaAnahata School of YogaAntara Yoga SchoolAnusara YogaAppleyogaAqua - VieAquanauts UK LtdArd Nahoo Yoga School - BYAArfyya YogaArhanta Yoga - BYAArt of LivingAshtanga & Yin Yoga - BYAAssociation for Yoga Studies (aYs) - BWYAthene Holistic Massage and Beauty Training - IPTIAura Wellness Center USAAura Yoga - BYAAuroraStar Holistic Therapies - IPTIAvani Yoga - BYAAwakening Fertility (formerly Qi Yoga)Ayurvedic Practitioners Association (APA)Baby 'n' You - IPTIBahia Yoga - BYABalance BeingBalance YogaBanyan Tree School of Yoga - BYABarefoot Body Training - BYABereavement Counsellors, Trainers & SupervisorsBihar School of Yoga - SatyanandaBikram Yoga BrightonBikram Yoga College of IndiaBikram Yoga London LtdBikram Yoga ManchesterBikram Yoga Trained InstructorsBilinguaSingBirth & Beyond CollectiveBirthlight Trained TeachersBlossom YogaBody Rescue Yoga TrainingBreathing SpaceBridget Woods Kramer School of Yoga (BYA)Bristol City Yoga - BYABritish School of YogaBWY TeachersBYAC YogaCalm For KidsCalmFamilyCAM Yoga TeachersCambridge School of YogaCaroline Garland Yoga - IYNChange Ahead Academy - IPTIChekira Wholistic TrustChessgrove Swim LtdChi Kri YogaChildren Do YogaChildren's Yoga TreeChill Out YogaChrysalis Kids Yoga - IYNCity Lit College Yoga TeachersCity Yoga Coventry - BYAClaire Missingham Vinyasa Flow YogaClaire Weatherley Yoga School - BYAClassical YogaCollege of Natural NutritionCollins & Barth School of Yoga - BYAComprehensive Yoga FellowshipCosmic Kids YogaCreative Calm - IYNCuddle Professionals International - IPTICYS (Classical Yoga School) - BYAD O'Keeffe t/as SKYDaisy FoundationDeRose MethodDevon School of YogaDRU (UK)Dylan Ayaloo Training Academy - BYADynamic Hot Yoga - BYAEarthereal Holistic Training Academy - IPTIEast Anglia Centre for Alexander TechniqueEast London School of Yoga - BYAEmpowering Children through Yoga - BYAEssential Wellbeing - IPTIEthos - BYAEx-KYTA TeachersFierce GraceFit From WithinFitness on Fire - Hot YogaFrame Academy - BYAFriends of Yoga InternationalFringe Yoga - BYAGemzgemsGitananda Yoga SocietyGood Life Yoga School - BYAGQ&I (A) Yoga TeachersGQ&I (B) Yoga - Link for ChildrenGQ&I (C) Yoga TherapistsGQ&I(B) Care Sure for ChildrenGrace and Presence YogaGroup X Training - REPSHands on Babies - IPTIHanson PilatesHarmonise Training Academy - REPSHarmony Healing - IPTIHartbeepsHartlepool Relaxation GroupHealth & Fitness Education (HFE) - REPSHeather Elton Yoga - BYAHimalayan Institute of YogaHot Bikram Yoga - JOCA Limited t/asHot Power Yoga/ LLIV Training/Dylan Ayaloo AcademyHot Yoga Edinburgh - BYAHot Yoga NewryHouse of Yoga - BYAHoward Carter - IPTIIk Saran Dhian (KYTA School)Indaba - BYAIndependent London Yoga Teachers - BWYIndependent Yoga NetworkIndividual SchemeIndividual Scheme - AIndividual Scheme - BIndividual Scheme - CIndividual Scheme - DIndividual Scheme - EIndividual Scheme - FIndividual Therapist - AIndividual Therapist - BIndividual Therapist - Care-SureIndividual Therapist - CIndividual Therapist - DIndividual Therapist - EIndividual Therapist - FIndividual Yoga - AIndividual Yoga - BIndividual Yoga - CIndividual Yoga - DIndividual Yoga - EIndividual Yoga - FIndividual Yoga TeacherInner Healing School of YogaInner Yoga TrustInspya Yoga - BYAIntegral Yoga UKIntegrated Yoga and Mindfulness - BYAIntegrative Yoga TherapyIntegrity School of Yoga - IYNIPTI Members Additional CoverIPTIIrish Yoga AssociationIt's Yoga - BYAIY (UK) Ltd TraineeIY (UK) LtdJamie YogaJivamukti - BYAJivan Mukta Academy - KYTAJivani Yoga School - BYAJohn Bell Yoga - BYAJohn Scott YogaJyoti Yoga - BYAKali Collective - BYAKaram Kriya (KYTA Training School)KarmatimeKaruna Yoga CentreKevala-trained Yoga TeachersKPJAYIKripalu School of Yoga - BYAKrishnamacharya Healing & Yoga FoundationKriya YogaKundalini Yoga Teachers Assn IrelandKundalini Yoga Teachers' Assn - MembersLeeds Teaching HospitalLian Gong Shi Ba FaLight of Hope CIC - IPTILimitless Yoga - BYALittle Greene YogaLive Love Yoga - BYALKY Yoga - BYALotus Love Yoga - BYALumi Power Yoga - BYALuna Rhythms YogaLush Tums - BYAMahala YogaMamaBabyBliss - IPTIMandala Yoga AshramMargaret De-Petro - IPTIMeadowlark Yoga - BYAMeditationMercia Area Yoga AssociationMeridian Yoga - IYNMetatronia Therapy Foundation of LightMind & Body AcademyMindful HealthMindful Yoga Academy - BYAMindfulness Yoga - Vitor Borges FriaryMini Me YogaMitchy Titch Ltd - IYNMother's Journey (The)Move Better Fitness Academy - IPTIMovEasyMovin MonkeezNartanya Yoga School - BYANatural Healthcare CollegeNaturopathic Nutrition AssociationNCT Trained InstructorsNew Approaches to CancerNew Forest Yoga - IYNNO LONGER IN USE- BYANordic Walking InstructorsNourish Yoga - BYAOkido Natural Health Education Trust LtdOne Yoga - BYAOtherOxfordshire Holistic Training - IPTIPadmasambhavaParampara School of Yoga - BYAParkdale Yoga CentrePatanjali Yog Peeth UK TrustPower Yoga Company (The) - BYAPure YogaPurest Light Healing FoundationQi FitnessQigong TaukRadiant Child Yoga - BYARainbow Light Yoga - BYARainbow Yoga - BYAReal Flow YogaRelax KidsREPs-accredited Yoga TeachersResearch on Yoga in Education UKRESONARevive Yoga Academy - BYARichard Adamo Yoga - BWY TeachersRishikul Yogshala - BYARoary & Friends Yoga Club LtdRu YogaRuyi School of Taijiquan & QigongSadhaka Yoga Centre - BYASadhana Yoga - BYASahej AcademySally Parkes - BYASam Rao Yoga SchoolSamgata YogaSampoorna Yoga - BYASantosha Yoga Training - BYASaraswati Yoga StudioSatyananda Yoga CentreSeasonal Yoga - BYASeven Stars Internal ArtsShakti Dance Teachers AssociationShakti Power Yoga (BYA)Shakti Spirit Yoga (BYA)Shala School of Yoga (The)Shama Yoga - BYAShanti - Care SureShanti Power Yoga - BYAShanti Yoga School Ltd & FMT School LtdShiftShiva Yoga Centre LiverpoolSivananda Trained Yoga TeachersSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre LondonSkills for LifeSoul ExplorerSoul Sanctuary - BYASouthampton Yoga AssociationSpecial Yoga Centre (The)Sport Yoga - BYASri Sri YogaStafford Yoga GroupStaffordshire Yoga FellowshipStar ChildStay Sharp YogaStill Flowing - BYAStress AngelsStretch - BYASun Power YogaSUNIAI - Karam Kriya (KYTA Training School)Sunra Yoga TeachersSurya Yoga LtdTai Chi Centre UKTai Chi NationTai Chi Register (The)Tai Chi Union for Great BritainTatty BumpkinTeach Yoga LtdTeen YogaTEWC Academy - IPTIThe Academy at the Retreat - IPTIThe Refinery School of Yoga - BYATo Baby and BeyondTouch-Learn International Ltd - IPTITree of Life Yoga - BYATri Yoga - BWY TeachersTribe Academy - BYATripsichoreTrue Yoga - BWY TeachersTrusted Touch UK - IPTITrybe Yoga - BYATulip Yoga StudioTYP International - BYAUK Yoga Teachers' NetworkUnion Yoga - BYAUniversal Martial TrainingUniversal Yoga Radstock - IYNVajrasati YogaVictor FoundationVinyasa Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Life - BYAVitality Holistic Massage & Beauty - IPTIVivian Callegaro Yoga Academy - IYNWellbeing In SchoolsWellbeing South WalesWessex Alliance of YogaWhitespace Yoga - BYAWiggleBums / WiggleKidsWindfire YogaWomb YogaYama UK - BYAYFH InstructorsYMCA Fit - Yoga ProfessionalsYoga & Co Academy - BYAYoga AcademyYoga Akasha Training SchoolYoga Alliance - Use BYA INDIVIDUALYoga Ananda - IYNYoga ArtsYoga at SchoolYoga BananasYoga BearsYoga Beez - BYAYoga Biomedical TrustYoga Bromley's Teachers TrainingYoga Campus (Life Centre Group)Yoga Course - BYAYoga Dance KidzYoga Dharma CentreYoga Edge - BYAYoga Farm Trained InstructorsYoga Fellowship NIYoga for Health & Education Trust (YHET)Yoga for Health (B) XFER GQI(A)Yoga for Healthy Lower BacksYoga for the MindYoga Garden (The) - BYAYoga Gro - BYAYoga Haven - BYAYoga Hero - BYAYoga in Daily Life - UKYoga in the Bay - BYAYoga Institute (The)Yoga Life Studio - BYAYoga London Ltd - BYAYoga Mama - BYAYoga Moves 4 KidsYoga of NorthumbriaYoga on the Lane - BYYoga PointYoga ProfessionalsYoga Quota - BYAYoga SanctuaryYoga Satsang Ashram Wales - BYAYoga ScotlandYoga ShalaYoga SquareYoga Therapy & Training Centre (YTTC )Yoga Therapy Ireland - BYAYoga Tree (The) - BYAYoga Venue Oxford - BYAYoga Vidya - BYAYoga West - BYAYoga with DrewYogabase LtdYogaBeezYogaBugsYogaBugs FranchiseeYogakidz Worldwide - BYAYogaloftYogarise - BYAYogasara Studio - IYNYogaveda UKYogolojiYounique Yoga - BYAYummy Yoga Training - BYAYWC Aerial Yoga TrainingZenways - BYAZoom Reiki Please provide details:*CURRENTLY NOT IN USE Is Personal Accident Cover required? YesNo Address: UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Phone number: Email: Will the Insured named above be under the age of 75 years at the proposed inception date of the cover? YesNo   OPTIONAL COVERS PERSONAL ACCIDENT Cover is available to people aged between 16 & 75 years at the start of the policy period. Cover operates within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man only. This section only covers claims which fall within the definition of bodily injury and does not cover any claim caused or contributed to by illness/sickness. Capital Benefit of £25,000 if an insured person suffers bodily injury during the period of insurance which results in either: • Death • Permanent disablement (Loss of sight, loss of hearing, loss of limb or loss of speech; or any disablement which entirely prevents the insured person from attending to any business or occupation for which the insured person is reasonably suited by training, education or experience and which lasts continuously for 12 calendar months and which at the end of that period is without prospect of improvement) Temporary disablement (Disablement lasting without interruption for longer than the minimum absence period and which prevents the insured person from carrying out their usual occupation.) We will pay 65% of the insured person’s average weekly wage up to a maximum of £500 per week for as long as an insured person continues to be disabled, up to 104 weeks from the date of an accident less the deferment period of the first 7 days. Extra benefits Medical expenses up to £10,000 Physiotherapy Treatment expenses up to £5,000 Counselling expenses up to £5,000 DO YOU WISH TO INCLUDE CONTINGENT/VICARIOUS LIABILITY COVER?Our scheme insurance provides cover directly to the instructor/therapist named on the policy. However, many engage additional help using other people who arrange their own insurance. Where this relationship exists, it may not be sufficient for the instructor/therapist alone to have Professional Liability insurance because the aggrieved customer/client/student/patient intent upon pursuing a claim, may seek to do so against that party with whom the class or treatment was arranged, as well as the instructor/therapist involved. By arranging contingency cover, you can ensure that your vicarious liability is indemnified in case such a claim is made against you or your organisation. The cost is based upon your working turnover and is conditional on all instructors/practitioners/therapists having their own individual insurance in place. However, the contingency cost is a fraction of the standard individual rate payable for all regular instructors/therapists, as might be expected. YesNo DO YOU WISH TO INCLUDE COVER FOR GUEST INSTRUCTORS OR LOCUM?This extends your cover so that a temporary qualified guest instructor or locum can take classes on your behalf for a maximum of 30 days in all per policy year. YesNo Please select your estimated annual turnover range: - select - up to £50,000 £50,001 - £100,000 £100,001 - £175,000 £175,001 - £250,000 £250,001 - £500,000 £500,001 - £1,000,000 Over £1,000,000 Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Do you hold all client records for a minimum of 5 years? YesNo Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Are any of your activities performed above a height of 3 metres? YesNo Please provide details: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Do you, and anyone who carries out work on your behalf, always handle, use, sterilise and store all instruments in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions? YesNoNot relevant to this activity Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Do you implement all Covid-19 risk management procedures as set out in up-to-date Covid-19 guidance issued by Public Health England, the NHS or any other relevant regulatory body? YesNo Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Is all relevant PPE used in line with COVID-19 guidance issued by either Public Health England or any other regulatory body or health authority? YesNo Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Are you carrying out all pre-treatment/activity protocols relating to COVID-19, including obtaining informed written consent from any client that they are happy for the activity to be undertaken? YesNo Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Do you undertake any treatment which involves the use of any anaesthetic, whether general or local? YesNo Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Do you allow minors to be present at an activity where the minor is not involved?*QUESTION CURRENTLY HIDDEN YesNo PUBLIC LIABILITY COVER PREMISES RISK Our policy automatically covers you for classes/sessions/treatments carried out from your home (for the malpractice and public liability cover in respect of your business activities) however you may need to consider whether you wish to extend your cover to include Public Liability in respect of the premises risk for your home. This extension protects your legal liability arising from your ownership/occupancy of the premises should someone suffer an injury whilst visiting your home for business purposes e.g., a client trips on a loose/uneven flagstone or slips on a floor you have left wet, and looks to hold you responsible. This cover is also available if you run a studio/therapy or treatment rooms from leased or rented premises where you are responsible for such incidents arising at the property. Classes/sessions/treatments held at your own home Do you wish to extend your cover to include Public Liability Premises Risk for classes/sessions/treatments held at your own home? YesNo Studios/therapy/treatment roomsDo you wish to extend your cover to include Public Liability Premises Risk for classes/sessions/treatments at a studio/therapy or treatment rooms? (NB- this only applies to people leasing or renting their own commercial premises – not hired venues) YesNo Please enter the address this cover is to apply to: UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup ONLINE TUITION/CLASSES Our policy automatically includes cover for RESTRICTED online work free of charge. This requires you to restrict access to your online content to clients who have registered their personal contact details with you. Alternatively, for an additional premium, you can select our OPEN Online Work cover to include online content that is available to clients who have not registered their details and is open to anyone. RESTRICTED Online Work option OPEN Online Work option EMPLOYERS’ LIABILITY INSURANCE Employers Liability This type of insurance is a statutory requirement for anybody employing staff irrespective of whether wages/salaries are paid. All employers have an absolute duty of care to their workers, which explains why this class of insurance is mandatory in the UK. YesNo Please enter the value of your wage roll: £ Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Are you ERN exempt? YesNo Please select the reason why you are ERN exempt: - select - All employees below PAYE threshold Business registered outside England, Scotland, Wales or NI The business does not have any employees Please provide your ERN:UK businesses employing one or more people are required to have an ERN (Employer’s Reference Number, also commonly referred to to as the ‘Employer PAYE Reference’), which is a unique reference number for your employees’ income tax and national insurance contributions. You will find your ERN printed or written on mandatory documents including the P45, P60, P11/D and on most payslips. It looks something like this: NNN/Aznnnnn (maybe with up to 7 digits). / OPTIONAL LEGAL EXPENSES COVERThis optional cover is available in addition to the defence cost cover that automatically applies under the main liability policy. Do you wish to add Legal Expenses Cover?What is covered: • Property, landlord & tenant disputes • Criminal defence • Tax Protection • Regulatory Compliance • Court Attendance Costs • Marketing Image defence • Legal & Tax advice helpline • Counselling helpline Territorial limits The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. Underwritten by Temple Legal Protection. A detailed summary of the cover provided by this policy can be found here. YesNo Do you wish to extend your Legal Expenses cover to include Commercial Contract Disputes? YesNo PROPERTY COVERDo you require cover for Buildings / Contents / Business Equipment? A detailed summary of the cover provided by this policy can be found here: • Buildings Policy Summary • Contents Policy Summary • Business Interruption Policy Summary YesNo Property Details Risk Address UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Do your business premises have any flat roof space? YesNo Please select your total Contents value - select - Up to £15,000 Over £15,000 Please enter the estimated replacement cost of your contents: £ Please enter the estimated value of your general contents: £ Please enter the estimated value of your computers and ancillary equipment: £ Please enter the estimated value of your Stock: £ Please enter the estimated value of your Art and collections: £ Please enter the estimated value of your Fixtures and Fittings: £ Please enter the estimated value of your Documents: £ Please enter the estimated value of your Rent payable: £ Do you require Buildings Cover? YesNo Is the business premises constructed with external walls of brick, stone or concrete and roofed with slates, tiles or profile metal, with no more than 15% deviation from the ABI definitions of fire resisting or non-combustible? YesNo Please provide details: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Is the business premises free from cracks or other signs of damage that may be due to subsidence, landslip or heave and have not previously suffered damage by any of these and are not in a known subsidence area? YesNo Please provide details: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Buildings Sum Insured: £ Fixtures and fittings Sum Insured: £ Rent Receivable: £ Do you have any interested party? *CURRENTLY not visible on the quote journey YesNo Interested Party Name *CURRENTLY not visible on the quote journey Interest Description *CURRENTLY not visible on the quote journey Interest Reference *CURRENTLY not visible on the quote journey Do you require Business Interruption cover? YesNo Indemnity Period *currently hidden / populated via rating file with the option '12 months' whenever the BI cover is requested - select - 12 months Loss of Gross Profit £ Loss of Income £ Outstanding debts: £ Increased costs of working: £ Additional increased costs of working: £ Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.   Are your business premises solely occupied by you and not left unoccupied for over 30 days? YesNo Is the electrical installation at the business premises inspected at least every five years by a qualified electrician and defects remedied? YesNo Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Has a fire risk assessment been done at the business premises? YesNo Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Are any single items which are transported away from the business premises valued over £10,000? YesNo Please provide details: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.     **Hidden Calculations** RiskPostcodeLetters *for JE, GY, IM postcodes check HiddenPostcodeNoSpace *for flood and subs check Postcode Refer for Flood? *via lookup 'Hiscox Postcode Flood Refer' check Postcode Refer for Subsidence? *via lookup 'Hiscox Postcode Subs Refer' check IndexLinkingDate *currently NOT IN USE IndexLinkingBuildings *currently NOT IN USE IndexLinkingContents *currently NOT IN USE BuildingsCoverYN01 *populated via rating file / Buildings Cover Yes=1 No=0 ContentsCoverYN01 *populated via rating file / Contents Cover Yes=1 No=0 BICoverYN01 *populated via rating file / BI Cover Yes=1 No=0 Add another property DECLARATION I confirm that the answers given are true and that I have not withheld any material fact. I can also confirm that I have read and understood the Terms of Business Agreement. I agree I disagree Please provide details why you disagree: Your application needs to be referred to our underwriters; please complete your application and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Cover Details Set Discretionary Load/Discount @ % £0.00 Set LocumTrainersPremiumMTAFullPremium £ £0.00 Set Discretionary Load/Discount @ % £0.00 Set Discretionary Load/Discount @ % £0.00 Set EL Minimum Premium £ £0.00 Set Discretionary Load/Discount @ % £0.00 Set Contents Minimum Premium £ £0.00 Set Discretionary Load/Disc @ % £0.00 Set Buildings Minimum Premium £ £0.00 Set Discretionary Load/Discount @ % £0.00 Set BI Minimum Premium £ £0.00 Set Discretionary Load/Discount @ % £0.00 Total Premium (Net) £0.00 + IPT @ % £0.00 + Policy Fee £ £0.00 Total Premium £0.00 Total Commission £0.00 (Due From Broker) £0.00 Hidden CalculationsHiscox Policy NumberIf this is a New Business case, leave this field blank - the Hiscox policy number will be populated automatically when the case is placed On Cover.If the client already has an existing Hiscox policy number, by way of a policy not previously set up in SchemeServe, please enter it here: RateVersion Hiscox General Term & Conditions Hiscox Policy Wording Main Hiscox Policy Wording PA Hiscox Policy Wording EL Property Definitions Wording Hiscox Policy Wording Buildings Hiscox Policy Wording Contents Hiscox Policy Wording Items Away & in Transit Hiscox Policy Wording Money Hiscox Policy Wording BI Temple Legal UMR PostcodeLetters*populated via rating file for JE, GY, IM postcodes Cover Type Description / Business Activities*not in use on this Scheme Martial Activity?*populated via rating file and used in rules to pull through END 160.0 YesNo Is students only?*populated via rating file YesNo   Additional Activities Additional Activity Rating Bucket:*populated via rating file & lookup named 'Hiscox Activities List' Additional Activity Map To Scheme:*populated via rating file & lookup named 'Hiscox Activities List' Additional Activity Free Endorsement:*manual endorsement to link multiple policies for the same client   Base Cover + PL Extensions Limit of Indemnity*populated via rating file based on MainCoverLimit question £ Highest rated activity band*populated via rating file 1=Low | 2=Medium | 3=High or Refer Activity Type Premium*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix £ Studio Customer Employee Discount*calculated on the Activity Premium via rating file - check the Matrix £ Iyengar Discount*calculated on the Activity Premium via rating file - check the Matrix £ Increase in LOI to £10M*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix £ Turnover*populated via rating file bases on TO question £ Occasional / Locum Trainers Premium*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix £ Occasional / Locum Trainers Premium - MTA only*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix *Prevents pro-rata of the fee during MTA/Adjustment stage £ Contingent (Vicarious) Liability Premium*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix £ PL Premises (At Home) Cover Premium*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix £ PL Studios Cover Premium*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix £ Openly accessible online tuition*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix £   Training Schools 1InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupNo*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 1InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupType*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 2InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupNo*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 2InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupType*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 3InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupNo*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 3InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupType*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 4InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupNo*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 4InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupType*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 5InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupNo*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 5InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupType*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 6InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupNo*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 6InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupType*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 7InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupNo*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 7InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupType*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 8InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupNo*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 8InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupType*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 9InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupNo*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 9InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupType*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 10InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupNo*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools' 10InstructorTherapistTrainingSchoolGroupType*populated via rating file / lookup named 'Instructors Therapists Scheme Training Schools'   Personal Accident Personal Accident Cover Required?*populated via rating file YesNo Number of instructors/therapists covered for the PA Cover*calculated via rating file Personal Accident Premium*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix £ PA Increased Limits:*for Wellbeing manual usage N/A Additional Unit Total SI £50,000 Additional 2 Units Total SI £75,000 Additional 3 Units Total SI £100,000 Personal Accident Revised Limit Increase*auto populated via rating file as soon as the above PA Increased Limits is set to the correct increased limit, 'Save Changes' button hit and rating is re-run from the Matrix tab. £   Employers Liability Employers Liability Premium*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix £   Legal Expenses Legal Expenses Premium*calculated via rating file - check the Matrix £ Fitness to Practice/Disciplinary Defence?*for Wellbeing manual usage. If you require the Fitness to Practice/Disciplinary Defence change this to 'Yes' and hit 'Save Changes', navigate to the Matrix tab and hit 'Update Rates' or the 'Re-run rules' w/ 'Re-run rating' option ticked and hit 'Save Changes'. YesNo Fitness to Practice/Disciplinary Defence Premium*auto calculated via rating file once the above question is updated, the 'Save Changes' button hit and the rating re-run. £ Additional Employment Defence (per employee)?*for Wellbeing manual usage. If you require the Additional Employment Defence change this to 'Yes' and hit 'Save Changes', navigate to the Matrix tab and hit 'Update Rates' or the 'Re-run rules' w/ 'Re-run rating' option ticked and hit 'Save Changes'. YesNo Additional Employment Defence Premium*auto calculated via rating file (based on the number of the employees selected on the Client Details tab) once the above question is updated, the 'Save Changes' button hit and the rating re-run. £   FP TotalPremiumNetCalculated*populated via rating file and used in rules at Renewals £ FP TotalPremiumCalculated inc. IPT & Policy Fee*populated via rating file and used in rules at Renewals £   Property Cover Is Buildings Cover requested at any location?*populated via rating file YesNo Is Business Interruption Cover requested at any location?*populated via rating file YesNo Total Contents/Stock/Computers etc SI *all locations*populated via rating file £ Total Buildings SI *all locations*populated via rating file £ Total BI SI *all locations*populated via rating file £ Total Property BI SI *all locations*populated via rating file £   Policy Fee Base Cover *for calculation purposes £ Policy Fee Additional Covers *for calculation purposes £ Policy Fee PA Cover *for calculation purposes £ Policy Fee Legal Cover *for calculation purposes £   Payment Method*to be manually populated if the policy is paid via BACS or cheque BDX Total Number of Premises with Buildings Cover requested*populated via rating file and used in reports for the minimum premiums split Total Number of Premises with Contents Cover requested*populated via rating file and used in reports for the minimum premiums split Total Number of Premises with BI Cover requested*populated via rating file and used in reports for the minimum premiums split userAgent Main - Discretionary Load Added? YesNo Rate For Discretionary Load - Main PA - Discretionary Load Added? YesNo Rate For Discretionary Load - PA EL - Discretionary Load Added? YesNo Rate For Discretionary Load - EL Contents - Discretionary Load Added? YesNo Rate For Discretionary Load - Contents Buildings - Discretionary Load Added? YesNo Rate For Discretionary Load - Buildings BI - Discretionary Load Added? YesNo Rate For Discretionary Load - BI Legal - Discretionary Load Added? YesNo Rate For Discretionary Load - Legal DocumentVersion